Oliveira de Azeméis can be reached by following the highway A1 (Northern Highway), to the Estarreja or Feira exit, coming from the South or the North, respectively.
There are also other possibilities to reach the town, such as the complementary itinerary (IC2) and the EN224 or the highway A32 (Auto-estradas do Douro Litoral), connecting Oliveira de Azeméis directly to Porto.
Vale do Vouga Railway is fully operational and links the Northern Line in Espinho, from there you can catch a train to Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, Lisboa, etc. It is possible to take a bus to Porto, Aveiro and Coimbra, or to travel around the town or region.
How to get to Oliveira de Azeméis?
Travel to Oporto airport - Home | Porto Airport (aeroportoporto.pt)
From Oporto airport to Oliveira de Azeméis (central/Hotel Dighton):
Option 1
Option 2