Use of the expository and participatory method, with case reports and simulation, privileging moments of communication and sharing of previous experiences and knowledge acquired in other curricular units with the objective of a collective construction of knowledge, which will consolidate the appropriation of skills, of progress achieved and aspects to improve, promoting students' motivation, favoring their learning. For the evaluation, which will be continuous, it will be proposed to perform a test with a weighting of 100%.
The student, at the end of the unit must be able to:
Frame nursing in the promotion of self-care in the elderly;
Understand the aging process in the context of commitment to self-care;
Identify the role of nurses in promoting self-care in the elderly;
Recognize the importance of the tools / strategies that promote self-care;
Develop creativity and aesthetic sense;
Identify the strategies and technical aids that contribute to the promotion of self-care more appropriate to the elderly in the context in which it is inserted, according to the descriptive statements of the Quality Standards of Nursing Care;
Empower for the organization of work and effective management of time.
To assumes responsibilities as a case manager in mobilizing the most appropriate responses and community resources to promote self-care for the elderly;
Identify quality improvement programs and quality assurance procedures.
1 - Self-care in the Elderly
2 - Adaptive strategies and technical aids in the context of self-care: feeding and therapeutics management; hygiene and dressing and undressing; elimination; mobility;
3 – Active ageing: sexuality and social interaction; community resources
4 – Violence and social isolation
5 – Identification of adaptive strategies and innovative technical aids for self-care in the elderly
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Frequency: 100.0%
Almeida, L.; Bastos, P.r. (2017). Autocuidado No Idoso: Revisão Sistemática Da Literatura. Revista Espacios, 38(28), 3. Retirado De: Https://
Direção-Geral Da Saúde. (2015). Plano Nacional De Saúde: Revisão E Extensão A 2020. Retirado De: Http://
Organização Mundial De Saúde. (2008). Guia Global: Cidade Amiga Do Idoso. Geneve. Retirado De: Http://
World Health Organization. (2019). Ageing And Life Course. Geneve. Retirado De: Http://
World Health Organization. (2002). Active Ageing: A Policy Framework. Geneve. Retirado De: Http://
World Health Organization. (2019). Active: Paquete De Intervenciones Técnicas Para Acrecentar La Actividad Física. Geneve. Retirado De: Https://;Isallowed=Y
João Miguel Almeida Ventura Da Silva