
Scholarship from DGES (General Directorate of Higher Education)
In accordance with the Scholarship Regulation (Article 1 of RABEEES), higher education institutions, as referred to in paragraph 2 of article 1 of Law no. 62/ 2007, September 10th, and students enrolled in professional higher technical courses and study cycles leading to bachelor's or master's degrees, hereinafter referred to, respectively, as students and courses.
The scholarship is a monetary benefit, of variable value, to contribute to the costs of attending a course and is fully supported by the State on a non-repayable basis. For more information, you can consult the DGES/DSAE website.
Application deadlines and procedures

For any clarification of any doubts, we ask that you contact the ESSNorteCVP social action office and request support from the scholarship technicians, Vera Tavares and Alexandra Brandão.
Scholarship Application List


Defines the process for granting extraordinary accommodation support to higher education students who are recipients of family allowance up to the 3rd level
Disclosed as requested by the Student Support Services Department, in an email dated 03/03/2023
Order of extraordinary support for accommodation for NON-SCHOLARSHIP students


Merit Scholarship
The merit scholarship, in accordance with Order No. 13531/2009, of June 9th , amended by Order No. 7761/2017, of September 4th , is a monetary benefit, of a fixed value, intended for students who have shown exceptional academic achievement (passing all curricular units that are part of the study plan of the curricular year in which they were enrolled and an average of the classifications of these curricular units of not less than 16 points), applicable to the 1st study cycles.
Merit-based scholarships are awarded annually and have an annual value equal to five times the value of the guaranteed minimum monthly remuneration in force at the beginning of the academic year in which they are awarded.
Merit Scholarship Result