A stoma care nurse is a professional with specific skills in caring for people living with a stoma or with incontinence (World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, 2017). Stomatherapy thus constitutes a specific area of advanced nursing competence, which promotes a partnership of care with people from the pre- to the post-operative period, when the treatment of the disease involves surgery to construct an ostomy.
Due to the complexity of health systems, this advanced training course aims to provide nurses with a differentiated base of skills through the development of knowledge and ability to assess, provide, coordinate and manage care for people with care needs. of nursing in this area.
Considering the needs of the person with a stoma, it is intended to develop, along the course, with the nurses, clinical decision-making skills, using client-centered intervention models, favoring a collaborative approach.
In designing the course, the references for accreditation of training in stomatherapy by the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) were considered, which defined a set of syllabus contents and contact hours for accreditation, as well as Regulation no. 398/2019 , Regulation of Specialized and Advanced Increased Competence in Stomatherapy.
The nurse with the Postgraduate Diploma in Stomatherapy Nursing must demonstrate effective competence for professional practice in Stomatherapy, assuming the responsibility of ensuring the nursing care process, the person with ostomy and their family/caregiver, ensuring a comprehensive, preventive, effective, safe and timely monitoring, in the adaptation to life with ostomy, enhancing the reconstruction of their autonomy.
− Provide nurses with advanced training considering the specificities of intervention for people living with a stoma.
− Synthesize the knowledge and intervention tools that promote professional capacity to provide excellent nursing care for stomatherapy.
− Promoting the capacity for analysis and critical-reflective thinking oriented towards problem solving and clinical decision-making in the context of care for people living with a stoma.
− Apply scientific evidence in search of improving the quality of nursing care in stomatherapy, namely in empowering the person to reach the maximum potential of autonomy in self-care and health management.
- Igor Emanuel Soares Pinto - igor.pinto@essnortecvp.pt
Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of 24 March, amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 65/2018, of 16 August