Oncology Nursing is one of the areas of increased competence development recognized by the Order of Nurses, in Regulation no. 766/2021, Regulation of Differentiated Increased Competence in Oncology Nursing, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, of August 17.
The Oncologist Nurse is the professional qualified to establish effective and efficient therapeutic relationships that meet the centrality, individuality and specificity of the person, family and/or caregivers, conceiving and implementing care and evaluating the results of their interventions in the field of oncology nursing, managing referrals with a view to complementarity and continuity of care.
It is intended that this course is a contribution to the development of skills and professional enhancement of nurses working in this area. And it has the purpose, as expressed in the Regulation of Increased Competence Differentiated in Oncology Nursing, that nurses develop “the exercise in Oncology Nursing through a process of differentiated nursing care, in a context of multidisciplinary action, in order to guarantee comprehensive, preventive, effective, safe and timely care for the person, the family, caregivers, groups and community, within the scope of oncology and therapeutic approaches in oncological disease, in the different contexts of health care and throughout the life cycle”.
− Promoting the capacity for analysis and critical-reflective thinking oriented towards problem solving and clinical decision-making within the scope of care for people living with an oncological disease.
− Apply scientific evidence in search of improving the quality of oncology nursing care, namely in empowering the person to reach the maximum potential of autonomy in self-care and health management.
− Ensuring an effective professional practice in diagnosis and treatment, guaranteeing the safe transition of care for the person with oncological disease, family and/or caregivers in the different contexts of action, and throughout the life cycle, valuing research as a contribution to continuous improvement of care.
− Recognize communication as a central strategy in the relationships established in the context of care and promote the process of training people with oncological diseases, their families and/or caregivers, respecting the ethical and deontological values and legal norms of the profession.
− Promoting the safety of people with cancer, their families and/or caregivers, health professionals and the environment.
− Promoting the quality of care provided, advocating gains in health.
- Sónia Alexandra de Lemos Novais - sonia.novais@essnortecvp.pt
Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of 24 March, amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 65/2018, of 16 August