Clinical supervision is a determining factor in nursing practice for the development of skills, ensuring effective support and guaranteeing quality in the process of monitoring and developing personal skills and professionals, for the critical-reflective construction and consolidation of professional identity.
It is established as an effective component and guarantor of the promotion of safety and quality of care provided, with a view to obtaining gains in health.
The nurse with the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Supervision must ensure the necessary skills for the practice of Nursing in Clinical Supervision, which allows the development of the supervisory relationship, ensuring effective support and ensuring quality in the process of monitoring and developing skills personal and professional, for the critical-reflexive construction and consolidation of professional identity.
Identify the normative, legal, ethical and deontological aspects underlying the supervisory relationship;
To describe the contribution of theoretical references in clinical supervision in nursing;
Discuss the decision-making process and clinical reasoning in supervisory practices;
Recognize the centrality of the supervisee in the implementation of a dynamic, interpersonal and formal support process, during the monitoring and development of professional skills;
Interpret that the professional and personal development of the supervisee is, at the same time, a professional and personal development strategy for the supervisor,
with a view to a professional practice of excellence;
Distinguish models, styles and strategies to be used in clinical supervision;
Demonstrate a sense of responsibility in monitoring the processes of socio-professional transition and/or assumption of new professional roles by the supervisee, safeguarding the guarantee of safe professional practice and quality of nursing care;
Develop intra and interprofessional communication and decision making in nursing by the supervisee, in a context of integrated multidisciplinary practice, with a view to obtaining high quality standards.
- Catarina Cláudia Santos Nogueira -
Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of 24 March, amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 65/2018, of 16 August