The Regulation for the Professional Practice of Nurses determines, in paragraph 6 of article 9 that “nurses contribute in the exercise of their activity in the area of management, research, teaching, training and advice, for the improvement and evolution of the provision of services nursing care".
In this context, the practice of nursing in extra-hospital emergencies is crucial to ensure effective and integral support to the person, at any stage of the life cycle, family and community, in a situation of sudden illness, trauma, crisis or catastrophe, from the place from the emergency to the reference health unit, ensuring continuity of care. It constitutes an effective component for obtaining health gains, namely the decrease in the mortality rate and the decrease in the morbidity rate. It is intended that this be an important contribution, which in an integrated and integrative perspective and inserted in a process of professional development and enhancement, develops and consolidates additional differentiated skills.
Competence certification is based on the assumption of valuing the professional career of nurses, both in terms of professional experience and training processes. In this context, this course aims to respond to one of the requirements
indispensable for the certification of Specialized Increased Competence in Extra-Hospital Emergency: paragraph d) of paragraph 1, article 7 of Regulation of Special Increased Competence in Extra-Hospital Emergency.
The health professional with the Postgraduate Diploma in Extra-Hospital Emergency must ensure the necessary skills to manage professional skills, inserted in multidisciplinary teams, making their care in an extra-hospital environment safer and more autonomous in stressful conditions such as the threshold between life and death. Syllabus content allows you to request Differentiated Increased Competence in Extra-Hospital Emergency from the Order of Nurses, an essential requirement for certification of Differentiated Increased Competence in Extra-Hospital Emergency: paragraph d) of no. 1, of article 7 of Regulation no. 226/2018, of April 16th - Regulation of Differentiated Additional Competence in Extra-Hospital Emergency.
- Exercise professional practice in out-of-hospital emergencies, in accordance with legal norms, ethical and deontological principles of the nursing profession;
- Manage highly complex nursing care in urgent, emergency, crisis or catastrophe situations in an extra-hospital environment;
- Acting in a multidisciplinary context, in order to promote and guarantee quality, comprehensive and timely care.
- Integrate the best scientific evidence in the process of acting in extra-hospital emergencies;
- Make decisions adjusted to the real needs of each extra-hospital emergency situation.
- Advocate safety as a critical factor in extra-hospital emergencies;
- Valuing communication as a central strategy in the relationships established in the context of extra-hospital emergencies;
- Use research as a tool, essential for their practice in extra-hospital emergencies.
- Mário Rui Correia Branco -
Decree-Law no. 74/2006, of 24 March, amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 65/2018, of 16 August