The project will be supervised by a professor with a doctoral degree or recognized specialist. The project will seek to
reconcile the interests of the student, the priorities in the area of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing and the
research projects of the UID of ESSNorteCVP. The project evaluation will be materialized in the form of a written
document (the UID's own model) that will be the object of presentation, appreciation and discussion, in a seminar
format. Individual work 100% (50% written work and 50% presentation and discussion). If the student does not obtain
approval, he will have to repeat the course, with the written work and respective presentation and discussion.
Identify problems based on scientific evidence;
Define the appropriate methodology for the research/intervention problem;
Identify and/or build the instruments necessary for research development;
Identify and/or build the instruments necessary for the development of research/intervention;
Define the steps of the investigation/intervention
Communicate and discuss the Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing project.
Definition of the problem to be investigated;
Theoretical/conceptual framework;
Methodological framework;
Select and/or build instruments for data collection;
Scheduling of investigation/intervention steps and associated costs forecast.
Individual work: 100.0%
Gil, A. C. (2017). Como Elaborar Projetos De Pesquisa (6ª Ed.). Atlas: São Paulo.
Glasper, A., &Amp; Rees, C. (2013). How To Write Your Nursing Dissertation. (1ª Ed.). West Sussex: Willey-Blackwell.
Junior, C.f. (2016). Guia Do Trabalho Científico. Do Projeto A Redação Final. Monografia, Dissertação E Tese. Rio De
Janeiro: Edições Contexto.
Kail, R. V. (2019). Scientific Writing For Psychology: Lessons In Clarity And Style (2ª Ed.). London: Sage Publications.
Roberts, C.m. &Amp; Hyatt L. (2018). Writing, And Defending Your Dissertation (3Th Ed.). New York: Sage Publications.
Steven R. Terrell. (2015). Writing A Proposal For Your Dissertation: Guidelines And Examples Paperback. New York:
Guilford Press.
Swetnam, D., &Amp; Swetnam, R. (2009). Writing Your Dissertation. (3ª Ed.). Oxford: Howtobooks.
Sousa, B. (2016). Como Fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses E Relatórios: Segundo Bolonha. Lisboa: Pactor -
Edições De Ciências Sociais, Forenses E Da Educação