Participatory and collaborative, focused on student learning.
Development of empirical phase monitoring in OT, according to the specific Guide to OT.
Using Problem Based Learning - PBL in OT typology.
Critical analysis with research project review
Public defense scientific article before jury for this purpose.
The evaluation will be operationalized through the realization of a Research Article (60%) + Presentation (40%).
It will be developed in each group the dynamic peer feedback, identifying the contributions of each element in the product monograph, together with the supervisor.
- Analyze critically different types of research designs, types of sampling, types and measurement instruments;
- Discuss the concepts of internal and external validity;
- Perform the data collection, according to the defined strategy;
- Organize, analyze and interpret research data;
- Analyze research articles;
- Define the ethical principles of research and the role of ethics committees;
- Analyzes critically the planning of the research project prepared in the scope of the Curricular Unit of Investigation I;
- Demonstrates critical ability on the ethical aspects of research;
- Develops fieldwork;
- Analyzes and interprets research findings;
- Presents the results of the investigation, its discussion and conclusions;
Prepare the report in the form of article.
1 - Critical analysis of the project Research
2 - Empirical phase:
- Collection and processing of data
- Organization and coding information
- Quantitative analysis: descriptive and inferential statistics
- Qualitative analysis: content analysis
- Description, interpretation and discussion of results.
3 - Organization, presentation and thesis defense
4 - Principles in drafting research report
5 - Principles in the elaboration of scientific article
Work Group: 100.0%
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Bardin, L. (2011). Análise De Conteúdo. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Fortin, M., Côté, J. &Amp; Filion, F. (2009). Fundamentos E Etapas Do Processo De Investigação. Loures: Lusodidacta
Hicks, C. M. (2006). Métodos De Investigação Para Terapeutas Clínicas: Concepção De Projetos De Aplicação E Análise. (3ªed.). Loures: Lusociência.
Latimer, J. (2005). Investigação Qualitativa Avançada Para Enfermagem. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Pestana, M. H. &Amp; Gageiro, J. N. (2003). Análise De Dados Para Ciências Sociais: A Complementaridade Do Spss. (3ª Ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Ramalho, A. (2005). Manual Redacção De Estudos E Projectos De Revisão Sistemática Com E Sem Metanálise: Estrutura Funções E Utilização Na Investigação Em Enfermagem. Coimbra: Formasau.
Streubert, H. &Amp; Carpenter, D. R. (2002). Investigação Qualitativa Em Enfermagem. Loures: Lusociência.
Henrique Lopes Pereira