Some contents are taught by lecture method. It will be given priority for discussion in the classroom, based on research conducted by students on official websites. There will be organized a few sessions with experts. Students will do a synthesis work through their research and studies undertaken. Thus, the evaluation model reflects the methodology used for conducting group work.
Taking into account the objectives set and the methodologies used, it seems that the evaluation model through group work seems set by the interaction and sharing that will promote.
- Describe the history and structure of the National and International Red Cross;
- Identify the National Red Cross network;
- Recognise the principles of the Red Cross, as a citizen and health professional, in the community intervention;
- Understanding the issues of international law in the help and protection for people in conflict/humanitarian catastrophe;
- Relate the areas of the Red Cross intervention and the main activities with its mission;
- Recognize the importance of volunteering in the exercise of active citizenship, social support and humanitarian assistance;
- Transport volunteer projects of the Portuguese Red Cross, for the personal and academic development.
- Brief History of the National and International Red Cross;
- National Red Cross network;
- Fundamental principles;
- International Structures
- International humanitarian law;
- Main activities: emergency, social and humanitarian; health; education; supporting the senior population; home care; support to dependents; telecare; support migration; gender equality; violence prevention, vocational education, first aid education, higher education and training;
- Volunteer Red Cross: what is, profile volunteer, responsibilities, legal framework, areas of intervention, training;
- Support and assistance to victims of wars and natural disasters.
Work group: 100.0%
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Decreto-Lei Nº 281/2007 De 7 De Agosto. Estatutos Da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa.
Durant, H. (1862). Un Souvenir De Solfenino. Geneve.
Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. Retirado De Url: Http://
Comité Internacional Da Cruz Vermelha E Do Crescente Vermelho. Retirado De Url: Https://
Lei N.º 71/98, 3 De Novembro. Bases Do Enquadramento Jurídico Do Voluntariado.
Outro Material Bibliográfico:
- Apresentação Do Filme Institucional - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa.
- Publicações E Vídeos Da Federação Internacional Das Sociedades Da Cruz Vermelha E Do Crescente Vermelho.
- Publicações E Vídeos Do Comité Internacional Da Cruz Vermelha.
- Relatório Mundial Sobre Desastres.
- Documento Interno - "Proteger. Promover. Reconhecer. Voluntariado Em Emergências."
- Outras Publicações E Manuais Internos.
- Documentos /Regulamentos Oficiais
- Pesquisa Documental Em Bases De Dados, E Na Internet – Sítios Da Internet Oficiais.
Sónia Alexandra De Lemos Novais