Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 2
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Opcional
Chair code 4440
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Métodos de ensino

The methods are based on a theoretical and theoretical-practical approach, building a basic framework, by exposure, the practical demonstration and analysis of clinical cases. The evaluation includes group work that (100% final grade) integrates the contents exposed, including a scientific basis for the use of study therapy and its relationship with the professional practice of the nurse. It will be also promoted the dynamics of peer feedback, together with the teacher, identifying the contributions of each member of the group for achieved learning outcomes and the development of individual skills and teamwork.

The assessment at the time of the exam consists of a theoretical test (100%).

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Knowing the different types of therapies and its regulatory framework in clinical practice;
- Guide for the application of complementary therapies in health, adapted to the individual and pathology;
- Recognize the therapeutic potential of different complementary therapies to the individual's health;
- Respect the right of clients to access to information, choice and self-determination related to nursing and health care;
- Recognizes their beliefs, values ​​and how these can influence the provision of care;
- Incorporates in practice the valid and relevant research results as well as other evidence;
- Understands the traditional practices in the belief systems on the health of individuals, families or communities.




- Complementary therapies in Portugal. Legislation;

- Different therapeutic approaches;

- Complementary therapies in education and health promotion;

-The complementary therapies as promoters of emotional competency;

- Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture;

- Auriculotherapy;

- QiGong, Mindfulness and relaxation technique;

- Therapeutic massage;

- Other therapies.

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Work group: 100.0%

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Malta, J Et Al. (2003). Terapias Naturais Na Prática De Enfermagem. Coimbra: Edições Sinais Vitais.

Maciocia, G. (1996). Os Fundamentos Da Medicina Chinesa, Um Texto Abrangente Para Acupunturistas E Fitoterapeutas. São Paulo: Roca.

Focks, C. (2007). Atlas De Acupuntura. Manole. São Paulo: Manole

Cline, K. (2000). Chinese Massage For Infants And Children. Vermont: Healingarts Press.

Neves M. (2009). Manual Prático De Auriculoterapia. Lisboa: Cip.

Garcia E. (2006). Auriculoterapia. São Paulo: Roca.

Hecker Et Al, 2006. Microssistems Acupuncture. Estugarda: Thieme.

Hecker Et Al, 2007. Atlas Colorido De Acupuntura. Brasil: Guanabara Koogan.

Payne, Rosemary A. (2002).Técnicas De Relaxamento: Um Guia Prático Para Profissionais De Saúde. Loures: Lusodidata.

Docente responsável

Paula De Fátima Oliveira De Carvalho

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