Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 1
Scientific Area Foreign Languages And Literature
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Opcional
Chair code 4428
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Métodos de ensino

- Continuous and direct exposure to the target language.

- Interaction between teacher/student; student/student.

- Activities/tasks in the nursing area.

- Development of communicative abilities in the target language.

- Promotion of autonomy in the usage of the acquired abilities.

- Promotion of self-regulating learning.

Assessment (100%): 1st Midterm exam (60%) + 2nd Midterm exam- listening comprehension test (10%) + 3rd Midterm exam -  individual Work – Speaking (15%) + participation  in the classroom (15%)

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

Since languages are important vehicles in the communication process, in the English course it is intended that the student is able to:

- Develop linguistic competence in order to ensure effective communication in a variety of socio professional situations associated to the performance in the nursing area.

- Select information carefully, reflecting on its validity and importance for the acquisition of scientific knowledge in the area of biomedical sciences.

- Interpret the various types of text (medical literature, scientific articles, prescriptions, treatment guides, etc.) showing the internalization of the specific contents and the rules of the English language.

- Produce texts in English in a coherent and fluent way, showing critical and argumentative skills.




A. Themes – topic areas and vocabulary

1. Symptoms;

2. Caring for the elderly;

3. Nutrition and obesity.

B. Skills development and training on the themes – topic areas above.

1. Speaking: face-to-face interviews, presentations, simulations, role plays, structured discussions.

2. Listening and understanding: interviews; directions; instructions, presentations, conversations, conferences.

3. Reading and understanding different kinds of texts.

4. Writing: profiles, reports, certificates, emails, notes, summaries.

Métodos de Avaliação

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Continuous Evaluation

Individual Work: 25.0%

Participation: 15.0%

Frequency: 60.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Bradley,  A. (2004 )English For Nursing And Health Care (1ª Ed). (Sl): Mcgraw – Hill.

Grice, T.  (2007) Nursing I, Student´s Book (3ª Ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

O Quadro Europeu Comum De Referência.(S.d.) Lisboa: Edições Asa

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. (S.d.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Longman Pocket Dictionary.(S.d.) (S.l.): Pearson Longman

Internet Resources:

Docente responsável

Júlia Filomena Simões Nunes Lopes

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