Use of expository and active methods; elaboration of group work, and group dynamics using simulation. Seminars on specific topics with guests to allow theory to approach praxis. In the OT component, the student should experience some situations capable of enhancing the development of critical-reflexive thinking and decision making and the nursing process with the elaboration of a case study. Together with the students, the following evaluation methodologies were defined: evaluation forms (60%) and continuous practical evaluation (40%). In each of the components (case study, weighted average of the evaluation sheets and continuous practical evaluation) the student must obtain a grade higher than 9.5. The assessment by exam consists of a theoretical test (60%) and a practical test (40%), in each component must obtain a grade higher than 9.5, and the final average must be 10 or higher.
Manage human responses to the health / disease process in the context of clinical simulation
Analyze the resulting implications for the person / family and community
Identify information relevant to the decision making process
Integrate health attitudes, behaviors and beliefs into the identification of health aspects relevant to nursing practice
Selecting nursing therapies within the scope of training for self-care and self-management of the adult / elderly health / disease process
Perform in the context of clinical simulation, nursing procedures and techniques
Mobilize integrated knowledge in the management of the health / disease process to the adult and elderly
Promote health and self-care of people with chronic illness
Planning nursing care using the nursing process methodology
Comply with infection control standards
Manage your learning project with evidence in critical and reflective thinking
Know the rights of the person and the Code of Ethics
Person and respiratory disorders
Person and cardiovascular disorders
Person and musculo-esqueletic, Rheumatic and collagen disorders
Person and skin, vision and otolaryngologic disorders
Person and oncological disorders
Person and hematologic disorders
Person and changes in the digestive system
Person with infeto-contagious disease
Person and palliative care and long-term care
Changes in patient undergoing surgery
Person and neurological disorders
Person and nefro-urological disorders
Person and endocrine and metabolic disorders
Management chronic disease and therapeutic regimen
Pratical Exam: 40.0%
Theorical Exam: 60.0%
Pratical assessment: 40.0%
Frequency: 60.0%
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Igor Emanuel Soares Pinto