Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 6
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4432
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Métodos de ensino

The methodologies are aligned with the type of classes provided, promoting student participation individually and in groups, through critical analysis of references, cases, technical guidelines, thematic presentation / discussion, film analysis, decision making / Reflective practice, in a process of building your learning.

In the OT component, the student must develop critical, reflective, ethical and deontological competences regarding health problems and situations through the discussion of clinical cases with a focus on the development of critical-reflexive competence necessary for the nursing process. The working groups will be made up of 4 to 5 elements that, using the PBL methodology, will develop a care plan.

For this, moments of discussion and reflection will contribute with analysis of problem situations, based on the areas of the ESIP. In these sessions, the dynamics of peerfeedback will be applied, with the aim of identifying the contributions of each element and the respective competences achieved in the implementation of the proposed exercises. The development of the sessions follows the one described in the “Planning of the Tutorial Orientations”.

The Practice and Laboratory component focuses on demonstrating and training Nursing interventions in the field of child health and pediatrics, in the context of clinical simulation, using the body interact. The use of simulated practice will be based on the model for the development of clinical judgment skills in nursing, using briefing and debriefing techniques.

In the evaluation, the PL will be explored (20%), based on the performance of students in continuous assessment in the context of clinical simulation and the performance of 1 test (80%). In each of the components (practice-simulated and frequency) the student must obtain a grade higher than 9.5. The evaluation will make it possible to highlight the learning results according to the objectives set, and that the student receives feedback on his performance, associated with advice on his learning process.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Explain the models of care (Care Partnership Model) in the scope of Pediatrics;

- Demonstrate analytical skills on key indicators and priority areas of action;

- Interpret and evaluate changes in the growth and development process;

- Identify nursing interventions in promoting adolescent self-esteem and self-determination in health-related choices;

- Perform communication techniques appropriate to the stage of development;

- Explain the processes of adaptation of the Newborn to extrauterine life;

- Understand the child's reactions to the illness / hospitalization process;

- To implement the scientific methodology of the nursing process;

- Discuss nursing interventions for children with chronic illness and their families;

- Identify effective strategies to promote comfort and control pain at different stages of development;

- Perform nursing techniques and procedures, according to development;

- Understand the role of the nurse in basic situations of Pediatric Urgency;

- To demonstrate capacities on Pediatric SBV.




1 - Pediatric Nursing Perspectives

2 Periods of development and its tasks throughout the life cycle

3 - Communication with the child / young and family

4 - Health promotion and disease prevention: Growth and development of the juvenile and adolescent

The Child and Youth Health.

Teenager Health.

5 - Newborn adaptation to extra-uterine life

6 - Consequences of the disease and hospitalization in child / youth and family

7 - Interventions to the child/youth and family in common diseases

nursing appropriate responses to common diseases in various ages and physiological conditions

8- The child / young with Oncological Diseases.

9 - The child / youth with pain.

10- Pediatric Emergency Room

Nursing care in emergency situations. Pediatric Basic life support (BLS)  

11 - Death in pediatrics

12 - Preparation and administration of medical therapy in Pediatrics

Métodos de Avaliação

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Continuous Evaluation

Pratical assessment: 20.0%

Frequency: 80.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Carvalhais, M., Oliveira, A., Silva, C., Rocha, J., &Amp; Roque, M. J. (2021). Perspective Of Specialist Nurses On Atraumatic Care In Paediatrics. Millenium - Journal Of Education, Technologies, And Health, 2(17), 31–39. Https://
Carvalhais, M., Pereira, A. C., Pinho, A. M., Gonçalves, A. P., Caldeira, Â., Silva, C. P. &Amp; Soares, L. S. (2019). Morte Em Neonatologia: Vivências Dos Profissionais De Saúde Na Prestação De Cuidados Paliativos Neonatais. Millenium, 2(9), 103-110. Https://
Faria, S., Lamba, L., Carvalhais, M., Apostólo, J. (2017). Transporte De Crianças Em Ambulâncias Terrestres: Segurança E Conhecimento Dos Profissionais. Revista Cuidarte, 8(1), 1433-48. Http://
Gormley-Fleming, E.; Peat, I. (2019). Fundamentals Of Children’s Applied Pathophysiology. (1ª Ed.). Wiley Blackwell.
Hockenberry, M. J.; Wilson , D. (2014). Wong Enfermagem Da Criança E Do Adolescente. (9ª Ed.). Lusociência.
Johnson, J. Y.; Keogh, J. (2012). Enfermagem Pediátrica Desmistificada: Um Guia De Autoaprendizagem. Mcgrawhill Educação Europa
Jorge, A. M. (2004). Família E Hospitalização Da Criança: (Re) Pensar O Cuidar Em Enfermagem. Lusociência.
Kenner, C. (2000). Enfermagem Neonatal. (2 Ed.). Reichman &Amp; Affonso Editores.
Ordem Dos Enfermeiros (2013). Guia Orientador De Boa Prática: Estratégias Não Farmacológicas No Controlo Da Dor Na Criança. Caderno Oe. Série 1, 6.
Ordem Dos Enfermeiros (2011). Guias Orientadores De Boa Prática Em Enfermagem De Saúde Infantil E Pediátrica. Volume Ii. Https://
Direção Geral Da Saúde (2013). Saúde Infantil E Juvenil: Programa Nacional. Https:// Circulares-Normativas/Norma-N-0102013-De-31052013-Jpg.aspx
Silva, I., Silva, E., Carvalhais, M., Silva, D. (2016). Experiências Dos Cuidadores Sobre A Dor Na Criança. Millenium, 2 (Ed Espec. Nº1), 33-39.
Wong, D. L; Whaley &Amp; Wong (1999). Enfermagem Pediátrica: Elemento Essenciais À Intervenção Efetiva. (5ª Ed.). Guanabrara Koogan.

Docente responsável

Maribel Domingues Carvalhais

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