Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 3
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4423
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Métodos de ensino

Group dynamics of development of skills of social, cultural and communicational sensitivity.

Development and discussion of group work. The group work is based on a training activity of application of ethnographic methodology on topics related to the programmatic content, with presentation in class of the definition of the problem, the seletion of place and field / context of observation, the script of collection of qualitative / descriptive data to understand and interpret the problem, in order to increase understanding about the anthropological and sociological reality. At the end of the UC, they must submit written work in accordance with the school's norms, which consists on the critical comprehension of the subject studied by the training activity of the ethnographic methodology.

It will be promoted the methodology of peer feedback, identifying the contributions of group members to the learning outcomes.

Theoretical concepts and assumptions will be evaluated by frequency. For UC approval, a minimum grade of 9.5 is required in each of the assessment components (group work and attendance).

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Understand the helping relationship as a major process in nursing care;

- Identify and take into account the difficulties and personal resources in interpersonal relationships;

- Recognize the limits and skills of their role, collaborating with other professionals;

- Recognize your beliefs and values.

- Respect the values, customs, spiritual beliefs and practices of individuals;

- Provide culturally sensitive care;

- See the individual, the family and the community in a holistic way;

- Provide nursing care in a way that respects the boundaries of a professional relationship with the client;

- Take into account the perspective of customers and / or caregivers in decision making of the interprofessional team;

- Demonstrate the ability to recognize, respect and support the needs of people;

- Demonstrate the ability to establish and maintain effective helping relation.




1. Relationship Help - principles and objectives

1.1 The communication process as core basis of helping relation

1.2 The roles of nurses

1.3 The principles of person centered approach and its application

1.4 The attitudes necessary and sufficient: Self-knowledge, knowledge of the other and emotions management

2. The helping relationship in therapeutic context

2.1 Capacity of acceptance of the internal frame of reference of the person, getting not judge

2.2 Empathy as the hard core

2.3 Recognition of autonomy and care centered in the person

2.4 Active listening

2.5 The importance of positive considerations

2.6 Nurses' attitudes that promotes the quality of the relationship: Authenticity and consistency; feedback; pragmatism; self-disclosure; use of humour and communication of hope

2.7 Validation technic

2.8 The interview and the interview of help

2.9 The emotional demands of nursing care and ways to deal with them

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Work group: 40.0%

Frequency: 60.0%

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Chalifour, J. (2008). A Intervenção Terapêutica. Vol. 1 E 2. Lisboa:lusodidacta.

Coelho, J., Sampaio, F., Sequeira, C – Relação De Ajuda. In Sequeira, C., Sampaio, F. – Enfermagem Em Saúde Mental – Diagnósticos E Intervenções. Lisboa, Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lda., 2020. Isbn 978-989-752-413-4. P. 183-185.

Coelho, J., Sampaio, F., Teixeira, S., Parola, V., Sequeira, C., Lleixà Fortuño, M., &Amp; Roldán Merino, J. (2020). A Relação De Ajuda Como Intervenção De Enfermagem: Uma Scoping Review. Revista Portuguesa De Enfermagem De Saúde Mental (23), 63-72.

Corney, R. (2000). O Desenvolvimento Das Perícias De Comunicação E Aconselhamento Em Medicina.Lisboa: Climepsi Editora.

Lazure, H. (1994). Viver A Relação De Ajuda: Abordagem Teórica E Prática De Um Critério De Competência Da Enfermeira. Lisboa: Lusodidacta.

Mccormack, B &Amp; Mccance, T. (2010). Person Centered Nursing: Theory And Practice.Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

Phaneuf, M. (2005). Comunicação, Entrevista, Relação De Ajuda E Validação.Lusociência – Edições Técnicas E Científicas Lda.

Rogers, Carl R. (1985). Tornar-Se Pessoa (7ª Ed.). Lisboa: Moraes Editores.

Sánchez Expósito, J., Leal Costa, C., Díaz Agea, J. L., Carrillo Izquierdo, M. D., &Amp; Jiménez Rodríguez, D. (2018). Ensuring Relational Competency In Critical Care: Importance Of Nursing Students’ Communication Skills. Intensive &Amp; Critical Care Nursing, 44, 85–91.

Sequeira, C. (2016). Comunicação Clínica E Relação De Ajuda. Lisboa: Lidel.

Phaneuf, M. (1995). Relação De Ajuda: Elemento De Competência Da Enfermeira. Coimbra: Cuidar.

Rogers, C. R. (1958). The Characteristics Of A Helping Relationship. Personnel And Guidance Journal, 37(1), 6-16. Doi: 10.1002/J.2164-4918.1958.Tb01147.X

Docente responsável

Joana Catarina Ferreira Coelho

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