Expository, interactive, using tools available online, in the T and TP aspects. Demonstration of nursing techniques and training in PL, using simulated practice based on the model for developing clinical judgment skills in nursing, using briefing and debriefing techniques and Body interact.
In the OT component, the problem solving methodology (PBL) will be used, exploring the aspect of group work and decision making, with the application of peer feedback dynamics, together with the teacher, in identifying the contributions of each element and the respective skills achieved in the elaboration of the nursing process. The development of the sessions follows that described in the “Planning of Tutorial Guidelines”.
The continuous evaluation will consist of: 1st Frequency (30%) + 2nd Frequency (30%) + Practical Test (continuous evaluation - 40%). In each of the components, frequency (arithmetic average between the 1st and 2nd Frequencies) and practical test, either by continuous assessment or exam, the student must obtain a grade higher than 9.5.
The evaluation will make it possible to highlight the learning results according to the objectives set, and that the student receives feedback on his performance, associated with advice on his learning process.
- Identify information relevant to the nursing process;
- Comply with the steps of the EP;
- Justify the reasons for making the decision regarding the care for the person with changes in a body process or activity;
- Develop critical-reflective thinking about health-disease situations and health promotion, within the scope of nursing fundamentals;
- Implement planned nursing care, in simulated practices, to achieve expected results;
- Safely administer drugs and other therapies providing quality nursing care;
- Characterize the nutrients that constitute food;
- Know basic concepts of nutrition and diets adapted to different pathologies;
- Explain what a healthy and balanced diet is compatible with promoting health.
1 - Evaluation and nursing intervention to the person in the scope of the Body Processes:
1.1- Process of the circulatory system
1.2- Respiratory System Process
1.3 -Process of the gastrointestinal system
1.4 - Urinary system process.
1.5 - Process of the regulatory system
1.6 - Process of the intestinal system
2 - Interdependent interventions / therapeutic attitudes
Theorical Exam: 60.0%
Pratical Exam: 40.0%
Pratical assessment: 40.0%
Frequency: 60.0%
Acss. (2011). Manual De Procedimentos De Enfermagem. Lisboa: Acss, Ministério Da Saúde. (Em Linha) Disponível Em: Http://Www.acss.min-Saude.pt/Portals/0/Manual%20Enfermagem%2015_07_2011.Pdf
Conselho Internacional De Enfermeiros (2016). Cipe - Versão 2015: Classificação Internacional Para A Prática De Enfermagem. Lisboa: Ordem Dos Enfermeiros.
Kantor, D. (2019). Lippincott Visual Nursing: A Guide To Clinical Diseases, Skills, And Treatments. Vol. Third Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health. Https://Web.b.ebscohost.com/Ehost/Ebookviewer/Ebook/Zty4Mhn3D19Fmjexmji4Nl9Fqu41?Sid=772C4F21-D99A-4Bde-B1Cc-3Ca835C4085B@Sessionmgr103&Amp;Vid=19&Amp;Format=Ek
Lippincott. (2019). Lippincott Nursing Procedures. Vol. 8Th Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health. Https://Web.b.ebscohost.com/Ehost/Ebookviewer/Ebook/Zty4Mhn3D19Fmjm1Njg3Of9Fqu41?Sid=772C4F21-D99A-4Bde-B1Cc-3Ca835C4085B@Sessionmgr103&Amp;Vid=19&Amp;Format=Ek
Peate, I. &Amp; Wild, K. (2018). Nursing Practice: Knowledge And Care. 2ª Ed. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Plataforma Contra A Obesidade: Http://Www.plataformacontraaobesidade.dgs.pt/Presentationlayer/Homepage_Institucional.aspx?Menuid=113
Associação Portuguesa Dos Nutricionistas. Http://Www.apn.org.pt
Maribel Domingues Carvalhais