Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 10
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4410
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Métodos de ensino

Theoretical classes will be expository. The TP aims at demonstrating procedures, discussion and reflection of clinical cases.

The PL will be developed in the context of clinical simulation at the Simulation, Learning and Innovation Center. The “Body Interact” program will also be used as a resource in the dynamization of the OT and PL classes. The use of simulated practice will be based on the model of developing clinical judgment skills in nursing, using briefing and debriefing techniques, with continuous assessment.

In the OT component, the problem solving methodology (PBL) will be used, and the group work and decision making approach will be explored, applying peer feedback dynamics, together with the teacher, in the identification of the contributions of each element and respective competences achieved in the preparation of the work. The development of the sessions follows that described in the “Planning of Tutorials Guidelines”.

Final evaluation will include two components: theoretical components (corresponding to two frequencies worth 30% each) and evaluation of the practical component (corresponding to 40%). In each component the student must obtain a grade higher than 9.5.

The assessment will make it possible to highlight the learning outcomes according to the objectives set and the student to receive feedback on their performance, along with advice on their learning process.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

To argue about the nature, epidemiology, preventive strategies and role of the nurse in the prevention, diagnosis and Control of Infections Associated with Health Care.

Demonstrate appropriate behavior in simulated practice classes.

Awareness of the different roles, responsibilities and functions of nurses.

Ability to undertake comprehensive and systematic assessments using different data collection strategies, taking into account relevant physical, social, cultural, psychological, spiritual and environmental factors.

Support clinical decision making within self-care and take care of and ensure the quality standards of general care nurses and evidence-based practice.

Demonstrate the ability to inform, train and supervise the person with a change in self-care aiming at the maximum potential of autonomy.

Justify the reasons for making a decision regarding the care for the person with changes in a bodily process or activity.

Acquire skills that allow decision making and problem solving in the domain of the individual's bodily processes.




Fundamental concepts for nursing care

Fundamentals of simulated practice applied to Nursing Education

Caring for Nursing practice

Environmental Security

Prevention and Control of Infections and Resistance to Antimicrobials

Documentation and Records

Admission, Transfer and Registration

Health Assessment and Physical Examination

Ability to perform self-care

Ability to mobilize, move and walk

Ability to dress / undress and get dressed

Ability to perform hygiene, oral hygiene and bathing

Ability to play leisure activities

Body Process:


Process of the Nervous System

Process of the regulatory system: thermoregulation

Process of the integumentary system

Basic suport of life

Métodos de Avaliação

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 60.0%

Pratical Exam: 40.0%

Continuous Evaluation

Pratical assessment: 40.0%

Frequency: 60.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Conselho Internacional De Enfermeiras. (2016). Cipe® Versão 2015 – Classificação Internacional Para A Prática De Enfermagem (Edição Portuguesa). Lisboa: Ordem Dos Enfermeiros.
Kantor, D. (2019). Lippincott Visual Nursing: A Guide To Clinical Diseases, Skills, And Treatments. Vol. Third Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health. Https://;Vid=19&Amp;Format=Ek
Lippincott. (2019). Lippincott Nursing Procedures. Vol. 8Th Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health. Https://;Vid=19&Amp;Format=Ek
Melo, R.; Quesado, A.; Mota, L.; Príncipe, F.; Oliveira, I.; Ferreira, A. (2021). Autocuidados Na Conceção De Cuidados De Enfermagem Por Estudantes De Enfermagem. Revista De Investigação &Amp; Inovação Em Saúde, 1(Suplemento De Atas), 18. Https://
Melo, R. (2021). Transição Para O Papel De Cuidador Familiar Metodologia De Um Programa De Intervenção De Enfermagem (1ª Ed.). Novas Edições Académicas.
Menoita, E. C. (2015). Gestão De Feridas Complexas. Loures: Lusodidacta.
Peate, I. &Amp; Wild, K. (2018). Nursing Practice: Knowledge And Care. 2ª Ed. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Potter, P. A. &Amp; Perry, A. G. (2008). Fundamentos De Enfermagem: Conceitos E Procedimentos. Loures: Lusociência.
Veiga, B.s., Henriques, E., Barata, F., Santos, F., Santos, I.s., Martins, M.m., Coelho, M.t. &Amp; Silva P.c. (2011). Manual De Normas De Enfermagem Procedimentos Técnicos. 2ª Ed. Revista. Acss. Lisboa: Acss. Http://

Docente responsável

Catarina Cláudia Santos Nogueira

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