Theoretical classes will be taught using expository moments, analysis and discussion of articles and texts. The theoretical-practical classes will be taught using the problem-solving methodology with the development of the decision-making process, namely theoretical-practical sheets related to the Nursing Process.
In the Tutorial Orientation component, an analysis of a nursing theory written in the form of a poster will be developed in groups of 5 to 6 students, with presentation and discussion on a date negotiated with the students.
Continuous assessment explores the aspects of attendance and group work with peer feedback.
Attendance weights for 60% and group work weights with the remaining 40% of the course grade. In the case of group work, the grade is obtained by the poster delivered in A4 format and in the dimensions of 90cm x 120cm, vertical orientation and oral presentation with discussion and peer feedback. During exams, a theoretical test will be held.
Understand the process of knowledge construction and nursing profession;
Identify the concepts related to the theoretical thinking of the discipline;
Recognize knowledge standards in nursing;
Discuss the emergence of theoretical models;
To substantiate the reasons for incorporating theory into professional practice;
Apply the methodology of the nursing process (PE);
Know and apply the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) in care planning;
Analyze and distinguish the competences and quality standards of the general care nurse, fitting them with the regulation of professional nursing practice (REPE);
Critically analyze the socio-anthropological path of nursing and recognize its importance for the development of the profession;
Manage your learning project by demonstrating critical and reflective thinking skills.
- The social representation of nursing and care.
- The historical and socio-anthropological evolution of nursing in the world and in Portugal.
- The evolution of thinking and knowledge in nursing: philosophies, conceptual models and theories and the integration in different paradigms.
- The Nursing Sciences, the peculiarities of knowledge and the conceptual domains of the discipline.
- Orem's self-care theory, Pender's health promotion model and Meleis's theory of transitions.
- From critical thinking and the conception of care.
- The nursing process as a decision-making model.
- Scope and application of nursing taxonomies: NANDA, NIC, NOC and CIPE.
- Health information technologies and decision support systems.
- Nursing as an autonomous and self-regulated profession: Order of Nurses, REPE, the quality standards and competencies of general care nurses.
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Frequency: 60.0%
Work group: 40.0%
Chinn, P. L., &Amp; Kramer, M. K. (2015). Knowledge Development In Nursing. Theory And Process (9Th Ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier.
Collière, M.-F. (1999). Promover A Vida. Da Prática Das Mulheres De Virtude Aos Cuidados De Enfermagem. Lisboa: Lidel.
Doenges, M. E., &Amp; Moorhouse, M. F. (2010). Aplicação Do Processo De Enfermagem E Do Diagnóstico De Enfermagem. Um Texto Interativo Para O Raciocínio Diagnóstico (5A). Loures: Lusociência.
Masters, K. (2015). Nursing Theories. A Framework For Professional Practice. Burlington: Jones &Amp; Bartlett Learning.
Novais, S., Príncipe, F., &Amp; Mota, L. (2020). A Representação Social Da Enfermagem E Do Ser Enfermeiro: Perspetiva Dos Estudantes De Enfermagem E Dos Tutores. Millenium, 2(13), 51-60. Doi: 10.29352/Mill0213.05.00326
Smith, M. C., &Amp; Parker, M. E. (Eds.) (2015). Nursing Theories And Nursing Practice (4Th Ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.
Smith, M. J., &Amp; Liehr, P. R. (Eds.). (2014). Middle Range Theory For Nursing (3Th Ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Alfaro-Lefevre, R. (2014). Aplicação Do Processo De Enfermagem: Fundamentos Para O Raciocínio Clínico (8ª Edição). Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora.
Conselho Internacional De Enfermeiros. (2017). Cipe® Versão 2017 – Classificação Internacional Para A Prática De Enfermagem. Lisboa: Ordem Dos Enfermeiros.
Moorhead, S., Swanson, E., Johnson, M., &Amp; Mass, M. (Eds.). (2018). Nursing Outcomes Classification (Noc) (6Th Ed.). St. Louis, Mo: Mosby.
Butcher, H., Bulechek, G., Dochterman, J.&Amp; Wagner. C. (2018). Nursing Interventions Classification (Nic) (7Th Ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences.
Sónia Alexandra De Lemos Novais