Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 2
Scientific Area Health - Programs Not Classified By Training Area
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 01100012
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Métodos de ensino

The methodologies are aligned with the type of classes, promoting student participation, through a process of active and collaborative construction of their learning. Videos, documentaries and infographics will be integrated using debate forums through the Moodle® platform, concerning the health status of the Portuguese and European population.

These approaches will be complemented with group dynamics in the co-creation of materials focusing on the main changes in the health status of the person or community, through the mobilization of theoretically developed knowledge.

Assessment by attendance - 100%, with 15% of attendance being assessed by the delivery of the work report (maximum 1 page - written in Tahoma font, size 12) developed by students within the scope of the "Coil - Health & Wellbeing Project 2022/ 2023: facing global health Challenges in Nursing Education" – international project, to be submitted on moodle.

The evaluation will make it possible to highlight the learning results according to the objectives set, and that the student receives feedback on their performance, associated with advice on their learning process.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Understand the objectives, methods and applications of epidemiology and public health in the health area.

- Recognize the importance of studying conditions or exposures to health determinants for individual, collective and global health;

- Calculate relative risks, odds ratios, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and precision;

- Calculate frequency, association and impact measures;

- Recognize the importance of epidemiological studies in disease prevention;

- Recognize the phases of an epidemiological screening protocol and an epidemiological study;

- Critically interpret results of epidemiological studies.




1 - Introduction to Epidemiology

Historical evolution and its concept. Purposes and objectives of Epidemiology. Validity and interest. Uses and practical applications of Epidemiology. Areas of epidemiology and methods in Epidemiology.

2 - Epidemiology and the Duality Health / disease

Natural history of disease / levels of prevention. Factors influencing health in man. Epidemiological structure. Classification of epidemiological characters.

Calculation of relative risks, odds ratios, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and precision. Calculation of frequency, association and impact measures. Health indicators. Standardization.

3 - Epidemiological Resolution of Health Problems

Epidemiological methodology. Tracking. Epidemiological surveys. Epidemiological studies.

4 - Epidemiological intervention in health problems

Epidemiological surveillance. Health Professional action in an epidemiological perspective.

5- Global health

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Frequency: 100.0%

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

- Acss. (2017). Portal Da Administração Central Dos Serviços De Saúde. Disponível Em: Http://

- Briz, T. (2009). Epidemiologia E Saúde Pública. Revista Portuguesa De Saúde Pública Nº Especial. Lisboa.

- Dgs. (2017). Portal Da Direção Geral De Saúde. Disponível Em Https://

- Gordis, L. (2011). Epidemiologia, Quarta Edição. 4º Ed.. Loures : Lusididacta.

- Martins, M. (2001). Manual De Infecção Hospitalar: Epidemiologia, Prevenção, Controle. 2.ª Ed. Rio De Janeiro: Medsi.

- Mausner, J.; Kramer, S. (1999). Introdução À Epidemiologia. 2ª Ed.. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal, 1999.

- Nunes, C. (2008). A Dimensão Espácio-Temporal Em Saúde Pública: Da Descrição Clássica À Análise De Clustering. Revista Portuguesa De Saúde Pública Nº 1 (Jan./Jun. 2008). - Lisboa.

- Opss. (2017). Portal Do Observatório Português Dos Sistemas De Saúde. Disponível Em: Http://

- Stone, D. (2001), Introdução À Epidemiologia. Alfragide: Mcgraw-Hill.

Docente responsável

Maria Manuela Henriques Pereira Ferreira

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