The methodology of performance/training of the nurse's role in a real context in the different functional units of the Groups of Health Centers, School Health and in international mobility programs, which are resource centers for learning and have information and learning potential that you can't get it in books or in school.
The students, integrated in the nursing team, establish equitable and close relationships with the nurses of the exercise, holders of a very rich pedagogical heritage, learning with them to be nurses and to facilitate their future insertion in the world of work through the rules of operation of the organization. Alongside this dimension of socialization, there are other skills acquired in the work context: teamwork, individual organization of work, interpersonal relationships, sharing responsibilities, learning to learn from new situations, communication and individual or as a group in new situations. Assessment by the application of the student performance assessment tool (55%) and critical report (45%). At the end, a peer-feedback evaluation will be carried out.
- Understand the family nurse's role and public / community health, in the context of multidisciplinary teams from health centers Groupings;
- Apply evaluation tools, plan, intervene and evaluate nursing care in a collaborative perspective with the person, family, group and community, based on scientific principles and in compliance with the ethical and deontological code (MDAIF, beliefs Model Health, behavioral change model, Model Precede / Proceed);
- Develop self-management skills of health / disease process, the three levels of prevention, the person joins, family and community, throughout the life of each stakeholder cycle;
- Developing health literacy and citizenship through education for formal and informal health, individually or in groups;
- Documenting important data related to nursing care provided to the individual, family or community (SClinico, SIMA - Screenings);
- Integrate community intervention projects, including the “Projeto para par com a Saúde” – Learning and Service (ApS) methodology.
- Integrate an International Mobility program: “Creating Digital Approaches for Equity Access to Mental Health Blended International Program – BIP.
The student will be conducted to identify and analyze activities and skills related to the different areas of performance and show the ability to apply, in an autonomous way, specific theoretical constructs of profession and other relevant to influence the professional performance as a nurse.
Final Assessment Instrument: 55.0%
Critical Report: 45.0%
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Maria Manuela Henriques Pereira Ferreira