Teaching methodologies are based on clinical supervision, tutorial guidance, presentation and discussion of nursing processes, guided research work/health education sessions with team discussion/presentation.
The development of skills will be enhanced by active, diversified and collaborative teaching strategies, both between students and supervisor/tutor and between peers, in line with the principles of clinical supervision of students in clinical teaching.
The following instruments are used to assess student learning:
- Final assessment instrument_Q184 - 70%
- Critical report_Q92- 30%
The first will include the assessment of the Nursing Processes developed during clinical practice (with at least 2 different users) in the "Provision of Care" area. The Critical Report should show the level of achievement of the objectives and competences by the student throughout the clinical teaching, constituting a critical-reflective document on the development of competences centered on the documents that underpin their practice.
In each of the components (final assessment instrument and critical report) the student must obtain a mark of 10 or more.
To respond effectively to newborn/child and youngster´s needs in the different stages of the life cycle and development, maximizing their potential;
To empower the child/youth and family in the adoption of health enhancing behaviors and healthy lifestyles;
To assist the child/youth and the family, in maximizing their health;
To communicate with the child/youth and the family according to the stage of development;
To develop skills in the provision of care to the newborn/child/youth and family in risk situations and diseases, encouraging bonding, partnership of care and parenting in order to minimize the impact of the disease.
To provide care related to pain management;
To safely administer drugs and other therapies;
To conceptualize care based on the scientific methodology of the nursing process;
For the students to manage their own learning process, demonstrating critical and reflective thinking skills.
This clinical teaching aims to integrate, in clinical practice and in different contexts, the contents that were syllabus in the curricular unit of Nursing – Children and Youth Health and Pediatrics. This acquisition of skills will take place as part of a healthcare team, in hospital inpatient units or in primary healthcare units. Despite not having defined theoretical syllabuses, these will contribute to the development of scientific, technical and relational skills in the care directed to newborn/infant/child/young and family in any health/disease situation.
Final Assessment Instrument: 70.0%
Critical Report: 30.0%
Carvalhais, M., Pereira, A. C., Pinho, A. M., Gonçalves, A. P., Caldeira, Â., Silva, C. P. &Amp; Soares, L. S. (2019). Morte Em Neonatologia: Vivências Dos Profissionais De Saúde Na Prestação De Cuidados Paliativos Neonatais. Millenium, 2(9), 103-110. Https://Doi.org/10.29352/Mill0209.08.00229
Faria, S., Lamba, L., Carvalhais, M., Apostólo, J. (2017). Transporte De Crianças Em Ambulâncias Terrestres: Segurança E Conhecimento Dos Profissionais. Revista Cuidarte, 8(1), 1433-48. Http://Dx.doi.org/10.15649/Cuidarte.v8I1.349
Gormley-Fleming, E.; Peat, I. (2019). Fundamentals Of Children’s Applied Pathophysiology. (1ª Ed.). Wiley Blackwell.
Direção Geral Da Saúde (2013). Saúde Infantil E Juvenil: Programa Nacional. Https://Www.dgs.pt/Directrizes-Da-Dgs/Normas-E- Circulares-Normativas/Norma-N-0102013-De-31052013-Jpg.aspx
Silva, I., Silva, E., Carvalhais, M., Silva, D. (2016). Experiências Dos Cuidadores Sobre A Dor Na Criança. Millenium, 2 (Ed Espec. Nº1), 33-39.
Maribel Domingues Carvalhais