Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 8
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 01100040
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Métodos de ensino

This curricular unit follows the Learning-Service (ApS) methodology, so it brings together four basic principles: reflection, participation, learning and service. Following the basic steps of the ApS: Preparation (outline of the idea, relationship with the community context, project planning); Achievement (preparation with the group, execution with the group, completion as a group); Assessment. This innovative pedagogical approach integrates, in the curricular unit, service or significant community involvement. It promotes learning resulting from the active involvement of students in the community and work on a problem in the real context.

Reflection, civic involvement and participation in problem solving are pillars of the learning process from an action-reflection-action perspective. ApS brings together students, academics and the community in which they become partners in problem solving and teaching-learning resources.
The learning process will focus on the formative evaluation during the EC, based on the student's evolution in relation to the acquisition and mastery of technical, scientific and relational capacities, using strategies for knowledge of the "other", confidence and self-control, Creativity, articulation and diction, facial and body expression, reflection on clinical practice and individual or group discussion of the work done.
Ongoing assessment is aimed at benchmarking knowledge and skills, considering the achievement of the proposed objectives.
For the evaluation of student learning, the following instrument is planned:
Instrument of final evaluation (100%) using peer-feedback as a methodological strategy.
In the course of clinical teaching students should develop some work such as (reflective practice, health education sessions, work on themes alluding to the context of EC).

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Develop techniques to approach the person with low communication skills;

- Interpret relational strategies in the context of interaction between nurse / patient and multidisciplinary team;

- Develop strategies and knowledge about facial expression, body, knowledge of the "other", confidence and self-control, imagination and creativity, articulation and diction;

- To act in accordance with ethical and deontological principles;

- Apply the methodology of the nursing process directed to the healthy person or with changes in the body process or activity, family, group or community;

- Intervene in an efficient and organized manner;

- Develop the capacity to integrate and articulate knowledge;

- Fully document the information to promote continuity and safety of care;

- Resolve health situations, within the scope of nursing fundamentals;

- To solve health situations, within the framework of nursing fundamentals;

Demonstrate ability to work in groups.




In order to achieve the objectives and taking into account their typology, the course unit will allow a period of clinical experience during which students are integrated into a team. Although there is no theoretical content defined, the program content is specifically applied to the units taught previously, especially in the curricular units of Fundamentals of Nursing I, Fundamentals of Nursing II, Epistemology of Nursing, Health Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology of Health, Anatomophysiology I and Anatomophysiology II. Application, in a real context, of scientific, technical and relational knowledge in nursing care directed to the person with changes in a bodily process or activity, family and community, in the scope of development and personal and relational skills, health maintenance and disease prevention, as well as In the follow-up, orientation, support and referral according to the needs.

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Final Assessment Instrument: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Conselho Internacional De Enfermeiros. (2016). Cipe - Versão 2015: Classificação Internacional Para A Prática De Enfermagem. Lisboa: Ordem Dos Enfermeiros.

Kantor, D. (2019). Lippincott Visual Nursing: A Guide To Clinical Diseases, Skills, And Treatments. Vol. Third Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health. Https://;Vid=19&Amp;Format=Ek

Lippincott. (2019). Lippincott Nursing Procedures. Vol. 8Th Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health. Https://;Vid=19&Amp;Format=Ek

Peate, I. &Amp; Wild, K. (2018). Nursing Practice: Knowledge And Care. 2ª Ed. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Potter, P. A.; Perry, A. (2006). Fundamentos De Enfermagem - Conceitos E Procedimentos. 5ª Ed. Loures: Lusociência.

Sequeira, C. (Coord.) (2016). Comunicação Clínica E Relação De Ajuda. Lisboa: Lidlel.

Raphael-Grimm, T. (2014). The Art Of Communication In Nursing And Health Care. An Interdisciplinary Approach. New York: Springer Publishing Company.   

Veiga, B.s., Henriques, E., Barata, F., Santos, F., Santos, I.s., Martins, M.m., Coelho, M.t. &Amp; Silva P.c. (2011). Manual De Normas De Enfermagem Procedimentos Técnicos. 2ª Ed. Revista. Acss. Lisboa: Acss. Http://

Docente responsável

Maribel Domingues Carvalhais

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