Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 5
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 01100077
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Métodos de ensino

Expository method, problem solving cases, active learning, critical and reflexive analysis of clinical cases and film analysis. Simulation of surveillance and consultations in maternal health, obstetrics and family planning. The weighting of the assessment methodologies is one test (60%), a group work (20%) and continuous laboratory practice assessment (20%). In each of the components (test and laboratory practice) the student must obtain a mark 9,5 values or higher.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Develop skills for nursing care to woman throughout their reproductive cycle, which includes family planning, preconception, pregnancy, postpartum and menopause.

- Identify and characterize the different contraceptive methods, their side effects, advantages, disadvantages and eligibility criteria;

- Identify and characterize cancer screening methods in women's health;

- Identify and characterize the risks and complications during pregnancy.

- Identify and characterize the most prevalent gynecological diseases;

- Implement practices that promote breastfeeding;

- Recognize the most complicated complications in breastfeeding, ways to resolve and prevent complications;

- Develop a nursing process for women in family planning, menopause, preconception, pregnancy, postpartum and the newborn. (simulated clinical situations).

- Develop technical skills and critical-reflective thinking in nursing practice in maternal health/ obstetrics/gynecology.




The reproductive system

Anatomophysiological review of the reproductive system and the the reproductive cycle

Terminology and calculus used in obstetrics and gynecology

Evolution of Women's Health Care

Family planning, climacteric and menopause

Surveillance throughout the reproductive cycle, contraception, cancer screening and infertility

Pharmacology in maternal health, obstetrics and gynecology


Physiological changes of pregnancy

Surveillance of low risk pregnancy

Non-evolutive pregnancy

Abortion, ectopic pregnancy and stillbirth

Risk and complications in pregnancy

Multiple Pregnancy, hpertensive diseases in pregnancy, gestational diabetes, preterm labor, pregnancy Infectiology

Labor and delivery

Physiology of normal labor, types of delivery, labor pain management


Postpartum Physiology, emotional and psychological changes in the postpartum


Advantages of breastfeeding, WHO / UNICEF Recommendations, lactation physiology, managing breastfeeding complications and difficulties

Métodos de Avaliação

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Continuous Evaluation

Pratical Assessment: 20.0%

Frequency: 60.0%

Work Group: 20.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Direção-Geral Da Saúde. (2015). Programa Nacional Para A Vigilância Da Gravidez De Baixo Risco (Direção-Geral Da Saúde, Ed.). Retrieved From Http://
Graça, L. M. (2017). Medicina Materno Fetal (5A Edição). Lisboa: Lidel- Edições Técnicas, Lda.
Leal, R. M., Carvalho, A., &Amp; Rua, M. (2018). Work And Breastfeeding: Mom’s Double Duty. 4Th Ipleiria’s International Health Congress, 18(Suppl 2: 076), 43. Https://
Leal, R. M., &Amp; Moreira, I. (2016). Morte Fetal Na Família: Como Podemos Ajudar? In C. Sequeira, J. C. Carvalho, &Amp; L. Sá (Eds.), Ebook Vi Congresso Internacional Aspesm: A Pessoa, A Família, A Comunidade E A Saúde Mental (Aspesm, Pp. 278–291). Retrieved From Https://
Néné, M., Marques, R., &Amp; Batista, M. (2016). Enfermagem De Saúde Materna E Obstétrica (1A Edição). Lidel.
Wambach, K., &Amp; Spencer, B. (2019). Breastfeeding And Human Lactation (6Th Edition). Sudbury, United States: Jones And Bartlett Publishers, Inc.

Docente responsável

Sónia Margarida Dos Santos Coelho

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