Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 10
Scientific Area Nursing
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4442
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Métodos de ensino

The teaching methodologies are based on clinical supervision, tutorial orientations, work by project and / or problem, presentation and discussion of nursing processes, oriented research work with discussion / presentation in team.
The development of competencies will be enhanced by work-by-project strategies, with written and oral presentation evidenced in a learning dossier.

The evaluation will be operationalized through the Final Assessment Instrument – Q184 (70%) and Critical Report – Q92 (30%). The first will integrate the assessment of Nursing Processes - Q180 developed during clinical practice (at least 3 different users) in the domain "Provision of Care". The Critical Report should demonstrate the level of achievement of objectives and competences by the student throughout the clinical teaching, constituting a critical-reflective document on the development of competences focused on the documents that support their practice.

The peer feedback dynamics will be developed in each group, together with the supervisor, in the identification of the contributions of each element and respective competences reached in the elaboration of group work.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Identify in the context of clinical practice areas of intervention consistent with the National Programme of Mental Health.
- Apply the methodology of the nursing process to the person with mental health disorders and its promotion.
- Respect safe administration of psychotropic.
- Develops projects and/or intervention programs to promote mental health and prevent mental illness.
- Know the clients' rights and duties in mental health.
- Know the role of nurses in the various therapeutic options.
- Demonstrate clinical reasoning and decision-making skills.
- Demonstrates knowledge that will support his action before the individual with mental health disorders, family and community.
- Participates in community intervention activities in the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness.
- Critically analyze your clinical practice, your contribution in a peer feedback and teamwork context;
- Plan, organize and evaluate activities to promote mental health and recovery from mental illness, with quality criteria.




Application of the programmatic contents inherent to the previously taught curricular units, especially in the curricular units of Nursing - Mental Health, as others, that are in Study Plan.

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Critical Report: 30.0%

Final Assessment Instrument: 70.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Amaral, A. C. (2010). Prescrição De Enfermagem Em Saúde Mental. Loures: Lusociência. 197 P.. Isbn 978-972-8930-55-4

Chalifour, J. (2009). A Intervenção Terapêutica: Estratégias De Intervenção. Loures: Lusodidacta, 2009. 301P. Isbn 978-989-8075-21-5

Sadock, B. J.; Sadock, V. A. (2007). Compêndio De Psiquiatria: Ciências Do Comportamento E Psiquiatria Clínica. 9º Ed.  Porto Alegre: Artemed. 1584P. Isbn 978-85-363-0763-3

Sequeira, C. (2006). Introdução À Prática Clínica: Do Diagnóstico À Intervenção Em Enfermagem De Saúde Mental E Psiquiátrica. 1º Ed. [Coimbra]: Quarteto. 234 P. Isbn 989-558-083-5

Comissão Nacional Para A Reestruturação Dos Serviços De Saúde Mental (2007). Reestruturação E Desenvolvimento Dos Serviços De Saúde Mental Em Portugal :Plano De Ação : 2007-2016

Direção Geral De Saúde (2017). Programa Nacional De Saúde Mental 2017. Disponível Em Https://

Docente responsável

António Manuel Dos Santos Ferreira

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