Group and individual dynamics will be carried out to develop ethical and bioethical sensitivity skills. Elaboration and presentation of a group work. The work should demonstrate knowledge of aesthetic sensitivity and ethical and bioethical competence applied to the context of nursing and emancipatory knowledge within the scope of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Health and will aim at the application of the syllabus of the two curricular units based on a critical reflection on ethics, bioethics and anthroposociology of the problems related to the sustainability of the municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis and must be presented in writing in Moodle. An exhibition of the artistic product developed by the working group will be promoted and the peer feedback methodology will be carried out, in order to identify the contributions of the group's elements to the learning outcomes.
Continuous assessment = Group work (70%) + Midterm exam (30%).
Evaluation by Exam = Theoretical exam (100%).
- Analyze the theories, principles and ethical and deontological values of Nursing;
- Identify the essential concepts inherent to the ethical and deontological behavior of nurses;
- Identify ethical issues related to the provision of nursing and health care;
- Demonstrate a reasoned ethical decision-making process;
- Justify the importance of ethical decisions in specific situations in different contexts of health care;
- Reflect on the main ethical conflicts/dilemmas inherent to health;
- Properly address ethical issues that may compromise the security, privacy, confidentiality, integrity or dignity of the client;
- Recognize deontology as an ethical pillar for the professional practice of nurses;
- Understand the Bioethical content of the Goals for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) and its relationship with UNESCO's Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights;
- Recognize the rights and duties of the patient in the context of health care.
- Fundamentals of ethics and morals;
- Analysis and discussion of the concepts of ethics, morals, moral conscience, deontology, law and bioethics, values and axiology;
- The person and human dignity, vulnerability, and integrity;
- Theories, principles and foundations of ethics in health care;
- Professional duties and Code of Ethics;
- The ethical dimension of health care: informed consent, professional secrecy, confidentiality, privacy, and conscientious objection - The models or currents of thought in Bioethics;
- Bioethical principles Vs Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and their relationship with UNESCO's Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights;
- Bioethics Current problems of bioethics arising from technical and scientific progress Vs clinical research;
- Bioethics and problems in early life: abortion, prenatal diagnosis, Medically Assisted Procreation;
- Bioethics and problems at the end of life: euthanasia, dysthanasia, living will, palliative care;
- The construction of ethical decision in Nursing and responsibility in professional practice.
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Work group: 70.0%
Frequency: 30.0%
Conselho Internacional Dos Enfermeiros (2017). Enfermeiros: Uma Voz De Liderança – Alcançar Os Objectivos De Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Conselho Internacional De Enfermeiros.
Deodato, S. (2014). Decisão Ética Em Enfermagem. Do Problema Aos Fundamentos Do Agir. Almedina.
Gomes, Carlos Costa (2016). Notas Breves De Um Descontentamento – Questões De Bioética. Editora Católica.
Neves, M. (Coord.) (2016). Ética. Dos Fundamentos Às Práticas. Edições 70.
Portugal. Lei 156/2015 De 16 De Setembro. Estatuto Da Ordem Dos Enfermeiros (2015).
Sónia Alexandra De Lemos Novais