Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 4
Scientific Area Biology And Biochemistry
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4415
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Métodos de ensino

Expositive methods and active audio-visual; Works and group dynamics, with "simulated situations. Appeal to the e-learning platform.

The evaluation methodologies were as follows:

The continuous assessment:1st Frequency (50%) + 2nd Frequency (50%). When not obtaining the minimum grade (9.5 points) the student is automatically directed to the exam for the curricular unit.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

Describe the function of organs, integrated in systems;
Apply concepts and acquired knowledge;
Demonstrate knowledge of common disciplines;
Integrate the information to know how the system works;
Recognize the need and interest of the subjects under study;
Realize the importance of complementary means;
Begin introduction to the imbalance of the various structures.




Circulatory system.
Circulatory system - The heart
Circulatory System – Blood
Lymphatic system and immunity
Digestive system
Respiratory system
Urinary system
Water electrolytes and acid base balance
Reproductive system

Métodos de Avaliação

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Continuous Evaluation

Frequency: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Daniel P., C. (2007). Manual De Neurofisiologia. (S.l.) Diaz De Santos.

Guyton, A. C., &Amp; Hall, J. E. (2006). Tratado De Fisiologia Médica (11ª Ed.). Rio De Janeiro: (S.n.).

Vanputte, C., Regan, J., Russo, A., Seeley, R., Stephens, T. &Amp; Tate, P. (2017). Anatomia E Fisiologia (11ª Ed.). Camarate: Lusociência

Sobotta J., Et Al. (2012). Sobotta Atlas De Anatomia Humana (23ª. Ed.) Rio De Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan

Silverthron, A., Garrison, C., Ober, W. (2003). Fisiologia Humana. Uma Abordagem Integrada (2ª Ed.). (S.l.): Manole.

Docente responsável

Filipe Vieira Franco

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