Expositive methods and active audio-visual; Works and group dynamics, with "simulated situations. Appeal to the e-learning platform.
The evaluation methodologies were as follows:
The continuous assessment:1st Frequency (50%) + 2nd Frequency (50%). When not obtaining the minimum grade (9.5 points) the student is automatically directed to the exam for the curricular unit.
- The student, at the end of the unit should,
- Recognize and relate the human body, organization, divisions, functional structures and systems;
- Relate knowledge with UCs;
- Identify the NHF deviations, plan to intervene evaluate and reflect on the practice;
- Recognize and relate the human body, its organization, divisions, functional structures and systems;
- Identify structures and know their functions;
- Understand how the various systems interrelate and act in the human body.
- Relate knowledge to UCs;
Identify HFN, deviations, plan, intervene, evaluate and reflect on practice.
The subjects to be explored are based on the human body, its constitution and functions. The student realizes the importance of his intervention in the analysis, in the balance, in the evaluation of the quality and in the efficacy and efficiency of the care, supporting his decisions in the anatomical and physiological principles of the individual.
1 - Organization of the human body
2 - Introduction to Chemistry
3 - The Cells
4 - The Fabrics
5 - Integumentary System
6 - Skeletal System
7 - Joints
8 - Muscular System
9 - The Nervous Tissue
10 - Central and Somatic Nervous System
11 - Autonomic Nervous System
12 - Sensis
13 - Endocrine System
Exam: 100.0%
Frequency: 100.0%
Daniel P., C. (2007). Manual De Neurofisiologia. (S.l.) Diaz De Santos.
Guyton, A. C., &Amp; Hall, J. E. (2006). Tratado De Fisiologia Médica (11ª Ed.). Rio De Janeiro: (S.n.).
Vanputte, C., Regan, J., Russo, A., Seeley, R., Stephens, T. &Amp; Tate, P. (2017). Anatomia E Fisiologia (11ª Ed.). Camarate: Lusociência
Sobotta J., Et Al. (2012). Sobotta Atlas De Anatomia Humana (23ª. Ed.) Rio De Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
Silverthron, A., Garrison, C., Ober, W. (2003). Fisiologia Humana. Uma Abordagem Integrada (2ª Ed.). (S.l.): Manole.
Filipe Vieira Franco