Expositive and active methods supported by audiovisual technologies. The theoretical-practical classes will be used models and anatomical charts.
The assessment methodologies are as follows:
1st Test - 30% (F1) + 2nd Test - 30% (F2) + Group assignment - 40 % (FP)
The group assignment has a minimal grading mark of 9,5.
- To know in depth the pathophysiological basis of the disease;
- To know the etiological mechanisms and hereditary components as determinants of disease
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of cell injury;
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of inflammation;
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of fever;
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of oedema;
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the pathophysiology of pain.
- The basis for the understanding of disease;
- Pathophysiology of cellular damage;
- Causes of disease: mechanic, radiation, electric, chemical and biological agents;
- Pathophysiology and genetic heritage: causative, triggering and risk factors;
- The stages of the inflammatory response;
- Pathophysiology of fever;
- Body compartment fluid distribution and the pathophysiology of edema;
- Pathophysiology of stress;
- Pathophysiology of pain;
- Pathophysiology of immune diseases and autologous recognition: the role of MHC and the normal immune response
2nd Test: 30.0%
1st Test: 30.0%
Work Group: 40.0%
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Mota Pinto, A. (2014).Fisiopatologia - Fundamentos E Aplicações (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel
Huether, S.e.; Mccance, K.l. (2016). Understanding Pathophysiology (6Th Ed.). New York: Mosby.
Kumar, V.; Abbas, A.; Aster; J. (2017). Robbins Basic Pathology (10Th Ed.). New York: Elsevier.