Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 5
Scientific Area Saúde
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4239
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Métodos de ensino

The teaching methodologies are based on a theoretical and theoretical-practical approach, operationalized by the expository, interrogative, case study and simulation methods. The active participation of the students is favored through the constant interaction between teacher and student, with the aim of creating moments of reflection based on the practical experience of each one. The evaluation is done through two frequencies with a 50% ponderation each.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Understand and analyze the implications resulting from the disease for the person;

- Understanding and analyzing human responses to the disease process;

- Demonstrate knowledge of pathology and its manifestations in the cardiac system;

- Demonstrate knowledge of pathology and its manifestations in the vascular system;

- Demonstrate knowledge of pathology and its manifestations in the respiratory system;

- Demonstrate knowledge of pathology and its manifestations in the nervous system;

- Demonstrate knowledge of pathology and its manifestations in the osteoarticular system.




- Cardiovascular system: ischemia, thrombosis and embolism; angina and infarct; hypertension; atherosclerosis;electrical conduction disorders; heart failure; aneurysms; pericarditis and endocarditis; neoplasms;

- Respiratory system: asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; pulmonary thromboembolism; infectious pathology; neoplasms;

- Nervous system: sensory disorders; engines; stroke; neurodegenerative diseases; dementia; epilepsy; meningitis; neoplasms;

- Musculoskeletal system: types of fractures; tendinitis and bursitis; muscle ruptures; edermatomyositis myosites; rhabdomyolysis; neoplasms;

- Tegumentary system: benign skin changes, eczema and atopy, hypersensitivity reactions, psoriasis, skin manifestations of systemic disease; neoplasms;

- Psychiatric pathology: symptoms such as manifestation of organic disorders, the organic component of psychiatric diseases, neurotic diseases, psychotic diseases, personality disorders.

Métodos de Avaliação

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Continuous Evaluation

1st Test: 50.0%

2nd Test: 50.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Garcia, C. (2009). Neurologia Clínica: Princípios Fundamentais. Lisboa: Lidel.

Huether, S.e. &Amp; Mccance, K.l. (2016). Understanding Pathophysiology (6ª Ed.). New York: Mosby.

Kumar, V., Abbas, A. &Amp;Aster; J. (2017). Robbins Basic Pathology (10ª Ed.). New York: Elsevier.

Longo, D. Et Al. (2012). Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine (18ª Ed.) New York: Mcgraw Hill.

Mota, P. A. (2014). Fisiopatologia - Fundamentos E Aplicações (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.

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