The teaching methodologies will include expository classes, debates of the topics presented, study case discussions, critical analysis of texts or scientific papers and problem-solving tasks in the class. The evaluation includes 2 theoretical tests with equal weighting for the final grade of the course.
- Demonstrate basic and integrated knowledge about the structure and functioning of the nervous system;
- Describe the organization and anatomy of the nervous system, its cellular constituents and functions;
- Describe the generation and propagation of electrical signals by neurons and intercellular communication;
- Describe brain structures and mechanisms involved in language, memory formation and control of sleep-wake cycles;
- Describe the organization of the motor system and the modulation of movement by superior nerve centers;
- Know the anatomy of the human body from a functional perspective;
- Understand the histology and physiology of the muscular and skeletal system, translating it into clinical practice;
- Describe the factors involved in muscle contraction, naming the various types of contraction.
- Organization, anatomy and functions of the Nervous System;
- Cellular constituents of the Nervous System and their functions;
- Electrical properties of neurons and intercellular communication;
- Somatosensory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, auditory and vestibular system;
- Higher functions: a) Hemispheric asymmetry b) Memory c) Attention d) Language e) Visual-spatial functions f) Executive functions g) Emotions;
- Human body organization: skeletal system; articular system; muscular system.
- Motor system: organization and motor control.
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
2nd Test: 50.0%
1st Test: 50.0%
Guyton J. (2006). Guyton And Hall: Tratado De Fisiologia Médica. Rio De Janeiro: Saunders.
Norkin, C. &Amp; Levange (1992). Joint Structure &Amp; Function: A Comprehensive Analysis. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.
Kapandji, I. (1987). Fisiologia Articular, Volume 1,2 E 3. São Paulo: Manole
Seeley, S. (2003). Anatomia E Fisiologia. Loures: Lusociência
Muscolino, J. (2009). Cinesiologia – O Sistema Esquelético E Função Muscular. Lisboa: Lusodidata
Calais – Germain, B. (2010). Anatomia Para O Movimento, Volume I. São Paulo: Manole
Marieb, E.l. &Amp; Hoehn, K. (2015). Human Anatomy &Amp; Physiology, 10Th Edition, Pearson International Edition.
Purves, D. Et Al. (2012). Neuroscience, 5Th Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Van De Graaff, K.m. (2002). Human Anatomy, 6Th Edition, Boston, Mc Graw Hill International.young, B., Heath, J.w. (2014). Wheater ́S Functional Histology: A Text And Colour Atlas, 6Th Edition, Edinburgh,Churchill Livingstone