The teaching methodology will be essentially theoretical and theoretical-practical using laboratory practices. The document explains the theoretical concepts and applies them in the practical context - class T and TP - and then supervises and helps students in the application of knowledge and in the development of clinical reasoning - class PL. Students must practice as diagnostic techniques in groups of two that must be rotating.
The evaluation will be developed using two theoretical frequencies with equal weighting for a final grade of the course, where they will be evaluated as components of understanding the theoretical bases of each of the techniques studied and evaluated as practical and execution components of each aspect. that make up the diagnosis.
Understand the differentiation of Qi, Blood and Body Fluid Syndromes;
Understand the differentiation of internal organ syndromes;
Establish the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine according to the Energy Levels of the 6 Layers and the 4 Layers;
Operate pulse diagnosis comprising its meaning according to traditional Chinese medicine and integrating it in the diagnosis of syndromes;
Solve practical cases establishing a diagnosis according to traditional Chinese medicine outlining a treatment plan.
Differentiation of syndromes according to the 8 Principles – Bagang;
Differentiation of Qi, Blood and Body Fluid Syndromes;
Stomach (Pi and Wei), Liver and Gallbladder (Gan and Dan), Heart and Small Intestine (Xin and Xiao Chang), Lung and Large Intestine (Fei and Da Chang), Pericardium and Triple Heater (Xin Bao and San Jiao), The relation with the Energy Levels of the 6 Layers and the 4 Layers (Taiyang / Yangming / Shaoyin / Taiyin / Jueyin / Shaoyin | Wei Qi / Qi / Ying Qi / Xuè);
The diagnosis by the Cold Diseases Treaty - Shang Han Lun;
Palpation of the pulse - The 28 types of pathological pulse, Integration in the syndromes of the Internal Organs.
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
2nd Test: 50.0%
1st Test: 50.0%
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