Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 3
Scientific Area Tecnologias De Diagnóstico E Terapêutica
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4259
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Métodos de ensino

This curricular unit comprises theoretical and theoretical-practical classes. The teaching methodology will be of an expository nature, using the discussion of real exams in an aspect of integrating the notion of reading clinical analysis reports in the context of the main physiological changes. The evaluation will be carried out through a theoretical summative test and a test with interpretation of clinical cases. The evaluation will consist of a 100% frequency, whose formula will consist of a theoretical component with a weighting of 80% and individual work component of 20% (to be delivered on the day of the frequency).

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

It is intended that the student demonstrates clinical and laboratory knowledge in order to correlate the analytical results with the clinical information of the patients.
Integrate and understand the clinical utility of the different analytical parameters, applying knowledge in the diagnosis and monitoring of different pathologies.
Use medical terminology in interdisciplinary communication.
Evaluate and interpret clinical cases, identify and select the most appropriate analytical profiles for each clinical case.




Analytical Semiology Concept.
Analytical data and interpretation of results: reference values, analytical variability (biological, inter / intra-individual).
Laboratory diagnosis in Biochemistry: changes in liver function, dyslipidemia, diabetes, changes in thyroid and parathyroid, changes in renal function.
Laboratory diagnosis in Hematology: blood count - changes and criteria for interpretation, anemia, hemoglobinopathies.
Laboratory diagnosis in Microbiology: Infection - concept, signs, symptoms, defense mechanisms, diagnosis and laboratory approach.
Bacterial infection.
Viral infection.
Urinary tract infection.
Study of clinical cases related to the topics covered: diagnosis and laboratory approach. Study visit to a clinical laboratory.

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Frequency: 100.0%

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Burtis, C., Ashwood, E., Bruns, D. (2008). Tietz Fundamentos De Química Clínica. 6ª Edição. Elsevier. Isbn9788535228458.
Grotto, H. (2008). Interpretação Clínica Do Hemograma. São Paulo: Atheneu.
Turgeon, M. (2013). Immunology &Amp; Serology In Laboratory Medicine. 5ª Edition. Elsevier – Health Sciences Division. Isbn 13 9780323085182.
Murray, P., Rosenthal, K., Pfaller, M. (2014). Microbiologia Médica. 7Th Edition, Elsevier Editora Ltda. Isbn: 978-85-352-7106-5

Docente responsável

Isabel Sofia Dias Da Silva

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