Expository and interactive methodology in the development of theoretical classes. Demonstrative and interactive
methodology in theoretical-practical typology classes. And finally, more active methodologies in the Practical and
Laboratories classes for the development of experimental skills. Problem-based learning methodology and education
for understanding will be applied through educational planning based on meaningful learning scenarios (simulation) in
laboratory practice classes. Use of the e-learning platform for guided study, discussion and reflection.
Continuous assessment = Frequency (60%) + Practical Test (40%). Students can choose final examination.
To know and analyze the movement process and its control by identifying the circuits involved in the movement and
describe its modeling mechanisms;
To know the principles of intervention in neurological conditions by the concept of Neuroplasticity;
To know and discuss the principles of intervention in acute and chronic states, their concepts, methods and techniques
of intervention and measurement of neurology results;
Understand clinical conditions by changes in sensitivity, balance, motor control and cognition in order to know how to
select intervention techniques;
Apply the knowledge acquired in the interpretation of alterations associated with brain pathologies/motor control by
discussing case studies, promoting specific intervention planning.
Principles of intervention in neurological conditions through the concept of Neuroplasticity
Movement process and its control by identifying the circuits involved in the movement and describing its modeling
Neurorehabilitation concepts applied to therapeutic intervention;
Assessment of muscle tone, neurological status and functional movement status;
Specific handling techniques for neurorehabilitation;
Outcome measures in neurology;
Interpretation of changes associated with brain disorders/motor control applied to specific clinical intervention.
Pratical Assessment: 40.0%
Frequency: 60.0%
Theorical Exam: 60.0%
Pratical Exam: 40.0%
Bowe, A., James, M., &Amp; Young, G. (2016). National Clinical Guideline For Stroke. London: Intercollegiate Stroke. Working
Party, Royal College Of Physicians. Disponível Em:
Königs, M., Beurskens, E. A., Snoep, L., Scherder, E. J., &Amp; Oosterlaan, J. (2018). Effects Of Timing And Intensity Of
Neurorehabilitation On Functional Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. Archives
Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, 99(6), 1149-1159.
Simbaña, E. D. O., Baeza, P. S. H., Huete, A. J., &Amp; Balaguer, C. (2019). Review Of Automated Systems For Upper Limbs
Functional Assessment In Neurorehabilitation. Ieee Access, 7, 32352-32367.
Stokes M., Stack E. (2011). Physical Management For Neurological Conditions. Elsevier – Churchill Livingstone