Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 8
Scientific Area Fisioterapia
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4727
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Métodos de ensino

Expositive and interactive methodology in the development of theoretical classes. Demonstrative and interactive
methodology in theoretical-practical typology classes. With more active methodologies in Laboratory Practice classes,
it is intended to develop experimental skills for know-how. Through the problem-based learning methodology,
significant learning scenarios (simulation) will be developed in laboratory practice classes. Continuous evaluation =
Frequency (60%) + Practical Test (40%). Students can opt for a final exam.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

Know the indications and contraindications of the application of different soft tissue manipulations, learn the execution
of different massage techniques, their principles and applications; to know the objectives, effects and application of
passive and active mobilization techniques on the different tissues and joint structures; identify the morphology and
desired movement for a given muscle; grade by palpation muscle strength on a scale from 0 to 5; distinguish weak test
from strong; know how to interpret complementary diagnostic tests and relate to clinical diagnosis; define the
functional ligation, the types of ligatures and their application; know how to apply the different physical agents used in
physiotherapy, explain the physiological mechanisms of each physical agent, interpret the electroneurophysiological
responses of tissues in relation to the modality of electrotherapy used in different pathological conditions; principles
and effects of therapeutic exercises in general.




Safety in clinical practice in soft tissue mobilization, its principles and effects;

Specific massage techniques;

Techniques of physiological and accessory joint mobilization of the joints;

Complementary diagnostic tests: X-ray interpretation and ultrasonography related to the patient's pathology;

Functional bandages: concept, classification, objectives, indications, contraindications, therapeutic effects and application;

Physical agents in physiotherapy: Introduction: electrotherapy, history, evolution and application methodology;

Therapeutic exercises: muscle stretching, muscle strengthening and proprioceptive training.

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Frequency: 60.0%

Pratical Assessment: 40.0%

Exam Evaluation

Pratical Exam: 40.0%

Theorical Exam: 60.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Edmond, S. (2017). Joint Mobilization/Manipulation: Extremity And Spinal Techniques (3Th Ed.). Mosby
Angin, S., &Amp; Simsek, I. (2020). Comparative Kinesiology Of The Human Body: Normal And Pathological Conditions.
Avers, D., &Amp; Brown, M. (2019). Muscle Testing: Techniques Of Manual Examination And Performance Testing (10Th Ed.).
Hayes, K.w. (2011). Manual For Physical Agents (6Th Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Kisner, C. (2018). Therapeutic Exercise Foundations And Thecniques (7Th Ed.). F. A. Davis Company.
O’sullivan, S.b. &Amp; Schmitz, T. I. (2018). Fisioterapia: Avaliação E Tratamento (6ª Edição). Brasil: Manole.
Prentice, W. E., Quillen, W. S. &Amp; Underwood, F. (2011). Therapeutic Modalities In Rehabilitation (4Th Edition). New York,
Usa: Mcgraw-Hill Medical.
Watson, T. &Amp; Nussbaum, E. (2020). Electrophysical Agents: Evidence-Based Practice (13Th Edition). Elsevier

Docente responsável

Leonor Duarte Almeida Santos

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