Expository and interactive methodology in the development of theoretical classes. Demonstrative and interactive
methodology in classes of theoretical-practical typology, facilitators of problem-based learning, and education for
understanding through educational planning based on clinical scenarios. More active methodologies in classes Tutorial
guidance for learning based on cases and projects aimed at developing experimental, reflective and critical skills. Use
of the e-learning platform for guided study, discussion and reflection. For the evaluation of group work, peer feedback
will be used.
Continuous assessment = Frequency (50%) + Group work-case study (50%). Students can opt for the final exam.
To know, understand, apply, analyze and be able to synthesize the fundamentals and theoretical conceptions of physiotherapy in health promotion to interpret the components of structures and functions of the body, participation activities and contextual factors, in the general population and in at-risk populations;
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the individual, to plan evidence-based and customer-centered approaches in the field of health education, by teaching and counseling individuals or communities, aiming at the prevention of secondary problems;
Interpret existing national and international programs and projects, assessing individual and group needs, their
standards/diagnosis; planning and implementation of measures affecting people and the environment in order to
promote health.
Fundamentals and theoretical conceptions of Health Promotion (Definition of Health Promotion: International, national
and local perspectives; Physiotherapy and Health Promotion; Individual behaviors and health; Environment and health;
Identification of individual and group needs; Indicators; Measures; Measures of results;
Individual and group physical therapy intervention strategies: Physical activity and exercise; Ergonomics; Teaching
and counseling; Group Physiotherapy: Principles; teaching and learning methods; Classroom training and
demonstration; Empowerment, chronic illness and disability;
National and international programs and projects (needs assessment): Organization; Design and implementation;
Implementation of projects in the community throughout the life cycle.
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Work Group: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
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Wilkins, Filadélfia.
Tomás Mt. (2017). O Papel Do Fisioterapeuta Na Promoção Da Atividade Física. Rev Factores Risco; Http://Www.spc.pt
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Domingues, M. (2018). Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy And Neurodynamics. International Physical Medicine And
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