The curricular unit consists of face-to-face strategies in a collaborative model that enhance its autonomy:
Develop the Physiotherapy activity within the scope of practice and knowledge of the profession, related to the movement, functionality and health of the patient with cardiorespiratory condition; demonstrate ethical and moral behavior that inspires professional confidence and favors a quality professional-user relationship; develop a professional attitude towards peers, users and family members, which understands the dignity of the user and the need for confidentiality; establish a professional relationship with the patient/family/caregiver, respecting professional limits, bearing in mind the best interest of the patient with cardiorespiratory condition; implement the steps of the evaluation process according to the Functioning, Disability and Health model in the two dimensions to the patient with cardiorespiratory condition; develop communicational, relational and collaborative skills between the user/family /caregivers and the multidisciplinary team
To achieve the objectives, the curricular unit will allow a period of clinical education during which students are integrated into a multidisciplinary team in a clinical context. The student specifically applies the programmatic contents inherent to the UC taught directed to the person/family in a real context in clinical practice; respect for ethical and deontological principles of the profession; relationship and communication with the person/family and multidisciplinary team; methodologies for evaluation and cardiorespiratory intervention; clinical records of decision-making support for evidence-based physiotherapy interventions, promoting continuity and safety of care; search for performance feedback from its users/groups and professional colleagues with the aim of continuous improvement; recognition of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary structures that influence the context of action.
Clinical Education Report III: 25.0%
Clinical Education Evaluation Grid III: 50.0%
Clinical Case study: 25.0%
Toda A Bibliografia Sugerida Ou Fornecida Ao Aluno Durante As Componentes Teóricas Do 1º , 2º E 3º Anos Do Curso.
Associação Portuguesa De Fisioterapeutas. (2021). Princípios E Responsabilidades Éticas Dos Fisioterapeutas. Lisboa: Apfisio. Http:// Fisioterapeutas.pdf
Ordem Dos Fisioterapeutas. (2021). Referencial Da Formação Inicial Para A Inscrição Na Ordem Dos Fisioterapeutas: Acesso Ao Exercício Da Profissão De Fisioterapeuta. Https:// /Referencialdaformacaoinicial.pdf
Marques, A., Oliveira, A., Machado, A., Jácome, C., Cruz, J., Pinho, T, Hall. A., Alvelos, H., &Amp; Brooks, D. (2019). Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy As A Career Choice – Perspective Of Students And Physiotherapists In Portugal. Physiotherapy Theory And Practice 35 Https://