Expository and interactive methodology in the development of theoretical classes. Demonstrative and interactive
methodology in theoretical-practical typology classes. And, finally, more active methodologies in Laboratory Practice
classes for the development of experimental skills. The problem-based learning methodology will be developed in
Seminar classes guided by technical experts with the objective of promoting knowledge based on clinical scenarios.
Continuous assessment = Frequency (50%) + Practical assessment (50%). Students can choose for the fine exam.
Learn new approaches to intervention in physiotherapy in the light of the anatomy physiological knowledge acquired in
the UC of foundations previously taught;
Acquire manual dexterity in the art of touch and observation of signs and symptoms;
Expand knowledge based on practice with evidence in methodologies transversal to health conditions: Neurodynamic
techniques | Advanced accessory mobilization | | Pop Hydrotherapy.
Develop skills at the level of critical thinking and problem solving, as well as communication skills, collaborative,
adaptation and resilience.
Peripheral nervous mobilization: neuromechanical principles, neurodynamic techniques, neurodynamic tests, planning
of neurodynamic tests;
Advanced accessory mobilization: joint, muscle, nerve and motor control treatment techniques directed to different
PNF - propriocetive neuromuscular facilitation technique: physiological principles, indications and contraindications of
the techniques of propriocetive neuromuscular facilitation for the decision-making process of the appropriate
technique, considering the best available evidence.
Aquatic Physiotherapy: principles of the application of adaptation methods, mobilization, strengthening and relaxation;
Halliwick and Clinical Ai-chi concepts.
Frequency: 50.0%
Pratical Assessment: 50.0%
Theorical Exam: 50.0%
Pratical Exam: 50.0%
Adler, S. (2007). Pnf - Facilitação Neuromuscular Proprioceptiva. São Paulo, Brasil: Manole.
Bertinchamp, U. (2017). Concepto Fnp: Facilitación Neuromuscular Propioceptiva (Método Kabat-Knott-Voss). Emc -
Kinesiterapia - Medicina Física.
Bruce, B.e. &Amp; Cole Aj. (2011). Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy. 3Rd Edition. Pullman: Washington State University
Hengeveld, E., Banks, K., &Amp; Maitland, G. D. (2014). Maitland’s Vertebral Manipulation (8Th Ed.). Churchill Livingstone
Kisner, C., Colby, L. A., &Amp; Borstad, J. (2018). Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations And Techniques (7Th Ed.). F.a. Davis
Shacklock, M., &Amp; Martín Rubio, P. (2010). Neurodinámica Clínica: Un Nuevo Sistema De Tratamiento Musculoesquelético.