The course is semi-annual and consists of theoretical and practical lessons, laboratory practices. The teaching methodologies advocate demonstrative method, in which the faculty performs the technical and trains every student in the correct application and proper interpretation of them, emphasizing the implementation of assessment and osteopathic intervention by the students tasks. Continuous assessment strategies and the final evaluation will be used. The evaluation will result from a practical test about the fundamentals of practical componentes, that is, a practical evaluation that includes the execution of techniques of diagnostic and intervention. The final assessment will result from 3 moments of practical evaluation (M1 35%; M2 35%; M3 30%).
Know and name the osteopathic dysfunctions of the lumbar spine, back and chest; Properly use and apply evaluation tests used in osteopathic diagnosis of lumbar spine, back and ribcage; Run correctly in the context of laboratory practice accompanied the techniques used in the osteopathic approach to the lumbar spine, back and chest; Explain coherently the underlying clinical reasoning to the mechanism of action and physiological effects of executed osteopathic techniques.
Osteopathy Structural - lumbar spine;
Pathology osteopathy - somatic disorders of the lumbar spine;
Diagnosis osteopathic, including palpation, osteopathic tests and special tests;
Osteopathic treatment of lumbar spine - osteopathic techniques;
Osteopathy Structural - backbone; ribs; diaphragm; cervical-thoracic hinge: Osteopathic pathology - somatic disorders;
Diagnosis osteopathic, including palpation, osteopathic tests and special tests;
Osteopathic treatment - osteopathic techniques.
Pratical Assessment: 100.0%
Pratical Exam: 100.0%
Netter, Frank H. (2015). Netter - Atlas De Anatomia Humana. 6A Edição, Elsevier. Ricard, F.; Sallé, J.l.. (2003). Tratado De Osteopatía. 3A Edição, Editorial Médica Panamericana. Madrid. Simons, D. G., Travel, J. G., &Amp; Simons, L. S. (2008). Dor E Disfunção Miofascial - Manual Dos Pontos Gatilho. Artmed Editora Sa. São Paulo. Bulman, C., Schutz, S. (2004). Reflective Practice In Nursing (3Rd Ed). Oxford: Blackwell
Chila, A. Fitzgerald, M. (Eds) (2010). Foundations For Osteopathic Medicine (3Rd Ed). Lippincott Williams &Amp; Wilkins, Philadelphia. Collins, R.d. (2003). Differential Diagnosis In Primary Care, (3Rd Ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams And Wilkins. Digiovanna, E.l. &Amp; Schiowitz, S. (2005). An Osteopathic Approach To Diagnosis And Treatment. Lippincott Williams And Wilkins. Goodman, C. C., &Amp; Snyder, T. K. (2002). Diagnóstico Diferencial Em Fisioterapia. (3A Ed.) Rio De Janeiro: Editora Guanabara Koogan.
Fernando Amadeu De Castro Nogueira