In this curricular unit, the expository method will be used, stimulating the active participation of students, promoting the connection of theoretical content to professional practice. In addition, the problem-based learning (PBL) method will be used, a student-centred approach, in which students learn about a subject by working in groups to solve an open-ended problem.
Students' research capacity will also be stimulated, as well as reading and discussion of scientific articles, texts and official national and international documents related to curricular components.
The assessment will be carried out using theoretical exams and group work, the first contributing 70% and the second 30% to the final grade of the course unit.
Develop awareness of the importance of nutrition in promoting health, as well as reducing morbidity and mortality.
Promote knowledge about food, so that the student acquires essential information about nutrition and food, notion of food constituents, the digestive process and healthy eating throughout the life cycle.
Train the student and future professional in understanding about different nutritional needs in special cases of the life cycle, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and in situations of illness and health problems.
Recognize food patterns and guidelines based on healthy practices.
Introduction to Nutrition and Food Sciences. General concepts of food and nutrition.
Nutritional status of the individuals: Assessment of nutritional status, nutritional requirements, and recommendations.
Study of nutrients and their functions in the body: macronutrients and micronutrients. Physiology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Nutrients and food sources. Functional Nutrition. Nutritional supplementation.
Food education instruments. Healthy eating pattern. The Portuguese food wheel, nutritional pyramids, and food guides.
Eating behaviours. Mediterranean diet and other dietary patterns in Portugal and in the world. Regional and sociocultural factors.
Nutritional needs throughout the life cycle. Nutrition for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents, adults, and the elderly.
Nutrition in disease. Drug-nutrient interaction. Nutrition in specific health conditions: Food allergies and intolerances, diabetes, chronic non-communicable diseases, obesity, osteoporosis, cancer.
1st Test: 35.0%
2nd Test: 35.0%
Work Group: 30.0%
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
Manhan, K. L., Raymond, J. L. (2018). Krause: Alimentos, Nutrição E Dietoterapia (14ª Ed.). São Paulo: Elsevier.
Sawaya, A.l., Leandro, C.g., Waitzberg, D. (2018). Fisiologia Da Nutrição Na Saúde E Na Doença: Da Biologia Molecular Ao Tratamento (2ª Ed.) São Paulo: Atheneu.
Ilsi Brasil (2019). Alimentos Funcionais E Compostos Bioativos: Ciência, Avaliação E Consumo. São Paulo: Ilsi Brasil
Esc Scientific Document Group (2021). Esc Guidelines On Cardiovascular Disease Prevention In Clinical Practice. European Heart Journal, Volume 42, Issue 34, 7 September 2021, Pages 3227–3337, Https://
Cosentino, F., Grant, P., Aboyans, V., Bailey, C., Ceriello, A., &Amp; Delgado, V. Et Al. (2019). 2019 Esc Guidelines On Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, And Cardiovascular Diseases Developed In Collaboration With The Easd. European Heart Journal, 41(2), 255-323, Https://
Bowen, K., Sullivan, V., Kris-Etherton, P., &Amp; Petersen, K. (2018). Nutrition And Cardiovascular Disease —Na Update. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 20(2). Doi: 10.1007/S11883-018-0704-3.
Tânia Marisa Da Silva Santos