Chair Summary
Duration Semestrial
ECTS Conclusion 10
Scientific Area Saúde
Teaching Language Portuguese
Learning mode Presencial
Chair type Obrigatoria
Chair code 4470
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Métodos de ensino

Expositive and active methods supported by audiovisual technologies. The theoretical-practical classes will be used models and anatomical charts. The tutorial time will accompany the evolution of the group work that is involved in the evaluation.
The assessment methodologies are as follows:
1st Test - 35% + 2nd Test - 35% + Practical Assessment - 30%.

Objetivos de Unidade Curricular

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system;

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the cardiac system;

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system;

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the imune system;

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the digestive system;

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the urinary system;

- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system.




- Endocrine system:  functional organization, endocrine glands, aging;

- Cardiac system: blood, heart, circulation and peripheral regulation;

- Respiratory system: function, anatomy and histology, ventilation, principles of gases exchange and transport,

ventilation regulation, aging;

- Lymphatic and Immune system: anatomy and physiology, immunity, aging;

- Digestive system: anatomy and physiology, regulation, digestion, abortion and transport, aging;

- Urinary system: functions, anatomy and physiology of the kidney, regulation of the volume and concentration of urine, urine path, aging;

- Reproduction system: anatomy and physiology of masculine and feminine system, reproduction physiology.

Métodos de Avaliação

Continuous Evaluation

Pratical Assessment: 30.0%

2nd Test: 35.0%

1st Test: 35.0%

Exam Evaluation

Theorical Exam: 100.0%

Itens Bibliograficos

Hall, E. J. (2017). Tratado De Fisiologia Médica: Guyton E Hall. (13ª Ed.). Londres: Elsevier.

Muscolino, J. (2009). Cinesiologia - O Sistema Esquelético E Função Muscular. Lisboa: Lusodidacta.

Calais-Germain (2010) Anatomia Para O Movimento, Volume I. São Paulo: Manole.

Pina, J. A. E. (2010). Anatomia Humana Do Coração E Vasos (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.

Pina, J. A. E. (2015). Anatomia Humana Da Locomoção (5ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.

Pina, J. A. E. (N.d.). Anatomia Humana Dos Órgãos (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.

Pina, J. E. (2009). Anatomia Humana Da Relação (4ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.

Seeley, R. R., Tate, P. &Amp; Stephens, T. D. (2011). Anatomia &Amp; Fisiologia (8ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lusociencia.

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