Expositive and active methods supported by audiovisual technologies. The theoretical-practical classes will be used models and anatomical charts The palpatory anatomy will be taught in a practical way, in which the student will learn by demonstrative method to identify and palpate anatomical structures essential to his future professional activity.
The assessment methodologies are as follows.
The assessment will comprise: 1st Test - 25% (F1) + 2nd Test - 25% (F2) + Theoretical-Practical Forms - 30 % (FP) + Classroom assessment - 20% (AP). The Theoretical-Practical Forms have a maximum duration of 30 minutes. The final grading of the theoretical-practical forms is calculated by the arithmetic mean of all the forms answered.
- Possess a deep knowledge of the anatomical terminology in use and it’s most common variants;
- Demonstrate extended knowledge of physiology and anatomy;
- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the tegumentar system;
- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the muscle-skeletal system;
- Demonstrate extended knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular system;
- Demonstrate extended knowledge of surface and palpation anatomy;
- Develop the practical ability to palpate areas and anatomical structures relevant for the practice of osteopathy.
- Life: structural organization and function; the human being;
- Organ systems: structure and function, histology;
- Integumentary system: histology, function and relation to other organ systems;
- Skeletal System: histology and function; embryologic development, growth, remodeling and repairing of bone;
- Anatomic terminology, axis and planes, types of movement; Axial and appendicular skeleton;
- Muscular System: histology and function; muscular contraction and types of muscle fibers, energy metabolism of muscle;
- Nervous system: histology and function; Neuroanatomy; Neuron communication and general organization; Autonomous nervous system;
- Palpation and surface anatomy: Definition and foundations; axial and appendicular palpation; orientation to the practice of osteopathy.
Theorical Exam: 100.0%
1st Test + 2nd Test: 50.0%
Pratical Assessment: 20.0%
Evaluation forms: 30.0%
Hall, E. J. (2017). Tratado De Fisiologia Médica: Guyton E Hall. (13ª Ed.). Londres: Elsevier.
Muscolino, J. (2009). Cinesiologia - O Sistema Esquelético E Função Muscular. Lisboa: Lusodidacta.
Calais-Germain (2010) Anatomia Para O Movimento, Volume I. São Paulo: Manole.
Pina, J. A. E. (2010). Anatomia Humana Do Coração E Vasos (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.
Pina, J. A. E. (2015). Anatomia Humana Da Locomoção (5ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.
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Pina, J. E. (2009). Anatomia Humana Da Relação (4ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel.
Seeley, R. R., Tate, P. &Amp; Stephens, T. D. (2011). Anatomia &Amp; Fisiologia (8ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lusociencia.
Rui Miguel Freitas Gonçalves